Nominate a drinking water champ!

Drinking Water Week May 3–9, 2020


Safe and reliable drinking water — it’s one of the cornerstones of public health. Each year, we recognize the individual water systems and water system operators that do an outstanding job providing drinking water to their customers.

Award winners are nominated by their peers, stakeholders, others in the industry, or their customers. Every year, during the first full week of May, the Governor signs a proclamation for Drinking Water Week (DWW), which we post to the Drinking Water Week web page.

Is there a water system you’re proud of? Do you know an outstanding waterworks operator? Nominate them for an award!

Anyone can nominate someone in the water industry for an award. Click here to fill out the Drinking Water Week nomination form online. We collect nominations from November 1 through February 14, 2020.

Categories are listed below. We also adjust categories to fit special situations.

Above and Beyond. Recognition for going above the normal call of duty and/or to provide assistance to neighboring water systems.

Commitment to Excellence. For those who continuously strive for excellence in providing safe and reliable drinking water.

Grace Under Pressure/Perseverance Under Adversity. For handling a crisis well; or for persevering under consistent challenges.

Lifetime Achievement. Reserved for those who are retiring.

Most Improved. This award is typically presented to water systems that overcome a bad situation and now provide excellent service.

Operator of the Year. To recognize an operator for their dedication and commitment. They also help educate and mentor others in the water industry, lending help and knowledge where needed.

Most Innovative. Presented to water operators/systems/organizations that come up with innovative solutions for challenges they face.

You can see Past Drinking Water Week Award Winners (pdf) here.

For ideas about how to celebrate with your community, visit the American Water Works Association’s website.

If you have questions about Drinking Water Week, please email Elizabeth Hyde or call 360–236–3167.

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