Use your creativity to help us imagine a day without water

Video contest for high school students


What do your morning coffee, hospitals, and farming all have in common? Give up? They all need clean, reliable water to work right!

October 23 is the fifth annual Imagine a Day Without Water, a national campaign aimed at raising public awareness about the value of clean water. This year the Department of Health is running a video contest for high school students to help Washingtonians see what it would be like to live, even just one day, without water.

Calling high school students: Put your video skills to the test

Flyer with all of the rules for the video contest.

The goal of our Imagine A Day Without Water video contest is for students to imagine what their day would look like if there was no water to use for coffee, showers, laundry, or other daily routines. We’re collecting video contest submissions until October 14.

To enter, high school students should use their creativity to produce an original video, no longer than two minutes, which shows what a day with no water would look like. We encourage participants to use their imagination and have fun! (Students shouldn’t use inappropriate or copyrighted content.)

We will feature the video from the winning student, or team of students, on our agency’s social media channels for the October 23 #ValueWater campaign. Winning participants will also receive a signed certificate to commemorate their victory.

See details on how to enter on our website.

National Value of Water campaign

Each year, Department of Health’s Office of Drinking Water works to spread awareness about the importance of safe, clean, reliable water by participating in this national campaign organized by

Graphic with this fact: 19 gallons of water are required to grow just one apple.

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