What if every smartphone could only take a single picture?

An iOS experiment.

Markus Riegel
wag it
2 min readOct 6, 2017


What if we could only take one picture?
What if instead of capturing five billion photos each day, every user had to decide what her/his one picture would be?
How would a social network like that look like?
Would it be full of cat pictures?
Or would we see personal stories?
Pictures of loved ones or selfies?

On our quest to rethink communication at wag it, this was one of the questions we were asking ourselves. So we stopped browsing reddit for a moment, closed Instagram and paused scrolling through our endless twitter feed — and started the experiment “one picture”.

“One picture” is a simple iOS app. You can take one single picture and upload it. And you can browse through the “one pictures” of others. That’s it.

one picture — the app

But we are very exited what this experiment could become. Maybe we’ll end up with a gallery full of unique stories and pictures that are important to the ones who posted them. Maybe the idea has no place between the masses of content.

If you’re interested, check it out at onepicture.co.
We can’t wait to see what’s your one picture!

