Empowering Financial Wellness through On-Demand Pay: A Payroll Manager’s Perspective

James Gibson
5 min readJul 4, 2024


As more companies across Kenya embrace On-Demand Pay options for their employees, we take a closer look at what this means for payroll professionals. In this blog post, we speak with Stephen Kamau, Payroll & Finance Manager at The Clarion Hotel, who led the implementation of Wagewell’s On-Demand Pay solution for their employees.

What inspired The Clarion to implement On-Demand Pay?

“In these challenging economic times, looking out for our team’s financial well-being isn’t just a priority — it’s a core value at The Clarion. We wanted to enhance employee satisfaction and retention, especially given the financial fluctuations and high staff turnover typically associated with the hospitality industry. After carefully evaluating various options, Wagewell’s On-Demand Pay solution emerged as the perfect tool to tackle these challenges head-on.”

What did you think when you first heard about On-Demand Pay?

“I was genuinely intrigued. Our decision to run payroll once a month is primarily for company convenience, which may not always align with our employees’ financial needs. Allowing employees to access their accrued earnings before their scheduled payday struck me as a proactive and compassionate way to motivate our team and alleviate the stress of living paycheck to paycheck.

Initially, I had some concerns about how Wagewell would integrate with our existing systems, the potential for dependency among employees, and its impact on our financial operations. I also wondered about potential complications if employees left the company with outstanding balances that we’d need to recover. However, as I learned more about how On-Demand Pay works, these concerns were quickly addressed, and I became fully convinced of its value.”

Wagewell’s CEO, James Gibson, addressing staff at The Clarion Hotel.

How has Wagewell transformed your payroll process?

“Wagewell has been a game-changer for us. It works seamlessly alongside our current HR and payroll systems, allowing our employees to tap into a portion of the money they’ve earned before payday. This flexibility acts as a safety net for staff members dealing with unexpected expenses between paychecks. Moreover, Wagewell provides an affordable and responsible alternative to high-interest loans, which many of our employees previously relied on when faced with financial shortfalls. By reducing their dependence on predatory credit options, Wagewell has significantly enhanced their overall well-being.”

What was the implementation process like?

“Introducing new software solutions often comes with challenges, but thanks to Wagewell’s dedicated support team, implementing On-Demand Pay was extremely straightforward. At no cost to our business, they tailored the solution precisely to our needs, ensuring strict compliance and data privacy, both critical factors for us.

The response from our team has been overwhelmingly positive. Employees have embraced the benefit, and Wagewell’s straightforward onboarding process has minimised queries. Once enrolled, they can easily request withdrawals via the platform’s USSD service without the need for a smartphone, data, or airtime.

As an employer, we maintain full control over withdrawal limits and who has access to the benefit. Wagewell’s reporting features also enable us to monitor usage trends, ensuring employees do not become overly reliant on the service. On average, around 50% of our workforce utilises the benefit monthly, withdrawing around KES 5500 to bridge financial gaps between paydays.”

The Clarion Hotel on Moi Avenue, Nairobi.

What impact have you seen since adopting Wagewell?

“Since adopting Wagewell, we’ve witnessed firsthand the positive impact offering On-Demand Pay can have on increasing employee morale, loyalty, and engagement. With this financial safety net, our team feels valued, knowing they have access to their hard-earned money when they need it most. This has not only made The Clarion a more attractive company to join, but it has also reduced staff turnover rates and boosted productivity across departments. It’s been a win-win all around.”

Would you recommend Wagewell to other businesses?

“Absolutely! Wagewell has not only streamlined our payroll processes but also strengthened our connection with employees, all without disrupting our cash flow or existing pay schedule. It’s more than just a benefit — it’s an investment in our team’s future and a clear demonstration of how much we prioritise their well-being. With Wagewell providing the funds and automating the entire process, it has been the easiest software implementation we’ve ever experienced. While adopting any new payroll innovation can be daunting, I highly recommend Wagewell to any business seeking a practical and immediate way to empower their workforce and foster a positive work environment.”

Response from Wagewell’s CEO

We’re thrilled to hear about the positive impact Wagewell has had on employee morale, engagement, and productivity at The Clarion. Their experience with our On-Demand Pay solution underscores the importance of providing greater financial flexibility to employees, especially in industries like hospitality where high staff turnover can be particularly challenging.

To other businesses considering Wagewell, we hope The Clarion’s experience is a testament to the transformative power of On-Demand Pay. By offering employees the ability to access their earnings on-demand, you too can foster a more engaged, productive, and loyal workforce.

We look forward to continuing our successful partnership with The Clarion and supporting other forward-thinking businesses across Kenya as they prioritise their employees’ financial health. 💜

James Gibson
Co-Founder & CEO, Wagewell

About The Clarion Hotel: The Clarion is a three-star hotel and conference centre located in the heart of Nairobi’s Central Business District. For more information, please visit: www.theclarionhotel.co.ke

About Wagewell: If you’re interested in learning more about how Wagewell can help you engage employees, boost productivity, and improve retention, please visit our website or connect with us on LinkedIn.

