Delicious foods with added health benefits

Waggle New Zealand
Waggle New Zealand


Making smart food choices is associated with many health benefits including prevention of obesity, diabetes, overall mortality and many other physiological and psychological disorders.

We all know fruit and vegetables are good for us and we should eat them on a regular basis, but lets take a look at what specific food ingredients do and what areas of the body these ingredients target.

Black grapes

Although black grapes are similar in texture as well as taste to red and green grapes, they have the added benefits of having a high antioxidant content due to their dark skin colour.

These antioxidants have a range of benefits but the main ones include anti ageing properties and reduced risk of heart diseases. Antioxidants reduce damage caused to the body by free radicals therefore slowing down the ageing process. Consuming black grapes also increase the levels of nitric oxide in your blood, in turn reducing the risk of heart attacks by preventing blood clots.


Not that you need an excuse to tuck into a bag of Allsorts, licorice is thought to have many health benefits including improving digestive tract health and inflammation, as well as maintaining a healthy liver and respiratory system.

Licorice has a soothing effect within the respiratory system by healing, reducing inflammation and irritation which is useful for treating asthma and coughs.


As watermelon is made up of electrolytes and is more than 90% water, it is the perfect snack to keep you hydrated during the warmer months, as well as aid digestion with its high fibre content.

Watermelon is known to contain Lycopene, a phytochemical shown to reduce the risk of some cancers as well as protect against heart disease. Studies have also shown that watermelon and the juice of watermelon is beneficial in reducing soreness and pain post exercise for athletes.


A nectarine is similar looking to a peach with a smooth surface, however a nectarine can contain up to twice the amount of minerals compared to a peach, in particular vitamins A & C.

Vitamin A is beneficial for healthy skin, eyes and vision as well as maintaining our immure system. Vitamin C has similar benefits to Vitamin A including immune system strengthening, eye health and prevention against cardiovascular diseases.


While asparagus may be known for giving urine a distinctive and unpleasant smell it has many other effects of the positive variety.

Asparagus contains glutathione, a mineral which detoxifies the body. Glutathione helps to break down free radicals as well as cancer causing carcinogens which can help to prevent certain types of cancer including lung, breast, bone and colon cancers.

Macadamia nuts

Nuts are often popular for a healthy, quality snack however, many nuts can be very high in Omega 6, which in large quantities can be the opposite of healthy for your body.

Macadamia nuts contain many of the same benefits as other nuts including mono-unsaturated fats but without the large amount of Omega 6. For comparison, a walnut contains 10.6g of Omega 6 per 100g and a macadamia nut contains 0.36g of Omega 6.


Sweeter than a potato and the bonus of fewer calories, kumara is a popular choice in many meals including desserts. Kumara contains B6 vitamins and potassium which both contribute to good heart health.

B6 vitamins have the capability to attack homocysteine which hardens arteries and blood vessels while potassium maintains a balanced fluid level to lower blood pressure, keeping the heart healthy. An important electrolyte in the body, potassium helps to keep your heartbeat regular.

Do you want to get healthy and reach your goals this year? Hire a trainer or meal planner on Waggle and take away the stress associated with getting fit or changing your lifestyle.

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Chelsea is the marketing intern at Waggle New Zealand. is an easy way to outsource any job whether at home or the office so you can free up more time to spend with friends and family over the Summer holidays.



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Waggle New Zealand

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