Delve into Gov. Inslee’s education funding proposal with new interactive map

OFM Communications
Washington State Governor's Office
2 min readJan 13, 2017

From Kate Davis, Budget Assistant to the Governor for K-12 Education

Gov. Inslee’s plan to fully fund education includes more than $2.7 billion to provide competitive educator and school staff salaries across the state. This will bring the state into compliance with the state Supreme Court’s 2012 McCleary ruling and end the decades-long overreliance on local levies for basic education.

Gov. Jay Inslee with school district superintendents from Snohomish County during a meeting to discuss the Governor’s K-12 budget at Everett Public Schools headquarters in Everett, Wash., Jan. 13, 2017 (Official Governor’s Office Photo)

The benefits of the governor’s budget would be felt in every school district across the state. Under his plan, every school district would receive more funding for schools, a property tax cut, or both:

  • Every school district would receive more money from the state.
  • The infusion of state funding would enable school districts to reduce local property taxes by at least $250 million statewide per year.
  • Local school taxes would be reduced in 119 of the state’s 295 school districts — and more than three-fourths of households and businesses statewide would get a property tax cut.

Want to see how much more state funding your school district would receive under the governor’s plan? Want to see what would happen to local school property taxes across the state? Take a look at this interactive map that was prepared by the Office of Financial Management.

To delve into the map, choose the measure you want to look at from the drop-down box at the top, then mouse over the school districts to see the individual data. For any measure, you can see the top ten school districts on the right. You can also zoom in to pinpoint some of the smaller districts.



OFM Communications
Washington State Governor's Office

The Office of Financial Management provides information, fiscal services and policy support that the Governor and Legislature use to serve Washingtonians.