Govs. Inslee and Raimondo: Congress must protect Dreamers from expulsion

Read the governors’ op-ed in Newsweek


Gov. Jay Inslee and Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island wrote the following op-ed, published today in Newsweek, in support of Dreamers:

Since President Trump announced his plan to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Dreamers in Rhode Island, Washington, and all across America have been faced with the constant uncertainty of whether they will be able to continue their lives here in America.

Hundreds of thousands of young people have built their lives here, and now live in fear of imminent deportation. These are hardworking young people who, through grit and determination, are pursuing higher education, working, starting small businesses, and contributing to our economy.

And as state leaders, we cannot and will not sit idly by as the federal government attempts to undercut their accomplishments and stand in the way of their continued success.

That’s why we worked to support Dreamers and eliminate the financial barriers to those needing to renew their DACA status earlier this month. And it’s why we are working hand-in-hand with local and national organizations to ensure Dreamers have the legal support and tools they need.

In Washington and Rhode Island, we’re acting in the absence of strong leadership at the federal level, showing how local leaders are making sure that Dreamers can continue to live in the only country many of them have called home.

Read the full op-ed here.

