Video message from Gov. Jay Inslee and Trudi Inslee on holidays, omicron variant and boosters

Governor Jay Inslee
Washington State Governor's Office
2 min readDec 22, 2021

The governor and Trudi Inslee released a video today, as the holidays approach and more people gather with family and friends, the omicron variant is spreading through the state. The Inslees urged everyone to get vaccinated, boosted, use caution and wear masks this holiday season.

Gov. Jay Inslee and Trudi Inslee, Wednesday, December 22, 2022. (Office of the Governor)

WATCH: Happy Holidays from Gov. Jay Inslee and Trudi Inslee — YouTube

The governor shared that the state is working hard to increase capacity for COVID-19 booster shots. He announced that in the upcoming days, the state will add a mass vaccination site in Western Washington, location to be determined.

Inslee has also directed the Washington State Department of Health to set up large and small vaccination sites to increase access to booster shots across the state.

“We know we can do things to protect ourselves,” Inslee said. “Thousands of Washingtonians have already got their booster shot. We know that boosters are the optimum protection we can provide for ourselves.”

“I have also talked with the White House over the past few days, and I support the president’s efforts to bring more resources to at-home testing and additional booster shots,” Inslee said. “We will continue to do whatever we can in Washington state to make sure those resources get to every corner of our state. As we have throughout the pandemic, we will continue to do everything we can to help save lives and protect health. Happy holidays to you all!”

Steps Washingtonians can take to protect themselves, their family, friends and community during this holiday season:

  • Get a booster shot or get vaccinated for the first time.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Watch your distance.
  • Get tested before you travel, gather with friends and family, or attend events.
  • Be careful in crowds.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Stay home if you are sick.

To find a vaccine, go to Vaccinate WA Vaccine Locator at or call 1.833.VAX.HELP

Video: Happy Holidays from Gov. Jay Inslee and Trudi Inslee — YouTube



Governor Jay Inslee
Washington State Governor's Office

Governor of Washington state. Writing about innovation, jobs, education, clean energy & my grandkids. Building a WA that works for everyone.