I’m going to share my bookmarks with you people 

Be sure to share your favorite bookmarks from around the web! And if you like what you see here be sure to hit ctrl+D!

Steve Rousseau
word vomit


Hello everyone! As any experienced Web Surfer can tell you, the net has a lot of stuff to see. How much? A LOT, okay? Sometimes I think about all the stuff on the web I’m not seeing and it kinda bums me out.

Thankfully my web browser program supports something called “Bookmarking.” Those familiar with reading books probably already know what’s going here, but for the rest of you: Listen up! You can “Bookmark” things you like on the web. And you can “bookmark” A N Y T H I N G. It’s pretty great!

What should you “bookmark”? Well the simple answer is: Stuff you like I guess? I dunno, it’s a question that’s stumped Netizens since the dawn of the internet. I’m just going to go through my “bookmarks” on my “bookmarks toolbar” (this is an advanced “Bookmarking” technique we’ll cover in another post) and you can probably figure it out!

Here’s a bookmark I made when the New York Times released Today’s Paper—which basically lets you read the New York Times in print on the web. This is going to be so great, I told myself on the day I made the bookmark. I just love it when someone organizes the news for me! Buuuut, I already read the news on my phone so this is probably not a great bookmark.

The best bookmark to make is to bookmark your email. If you’re on the web often you’re probably using your email a lot! This is my second bookmark, but I’m not sure why? I guess I’m too just busy on my email to move it back to number one! Also, I pin my email tab, so it’s always there. The Gmail Tab. Just a click away. Sometimes, I stare at the zero on the Gmail Tab, willing it to just change to a 1. Maybe that makes the Gmail Bookmark redundant?

Oh boy, Twitter! Love Twitter. Looove Twitter. If you aren’t on Twitter you need to Get On Twitter. It’s like an entirely different Internet, there on the Twitter. Don’t understand? Just Get On Twitter and you will. Once you’re on, bookmark it! You’ll be on it a lot. Maybe. Twitter is like that TB test you get before you go off to college: Either nothing happens and you forget all about it, or your arm gets all red and swollen and your life is basically never the same afterwards. Anyway, I use the Twitter desktop app, so I guess I never really use this bookmark anymore.

Be warned, Netflix is a 56k-No-Go-Zone. It is NSF56k. But if you have a broadband connection, Netflix is cool. You can watch movies and stuff when you have nothing else going on in your life. Or even if you have stuff going on in your life! Like if the prospect of going to a party gives you serious case of social anxiety you can just say “Ah man, I’m so tired, I think I’m going to stay in, click on my Netflix bookmark, and call it a night.” But now that my web browser just auto-fills when I start typing into the address bar, it’s faster for me to just type n-e-t-[ENTER]. So I think this bookmark is sort of useless now.

The Awl is a cool website. They have some cool things to read. Even though I follow the entire website’s staff and the Offical Awl Twitter Account and the Unofficial Awl Tags Twitter Account and All of the Twitter Accounts That Regularly Tweet Stuff From The Awl, I still find myself clicking on The Awl Bookmark. Pretty strange! It’s just right there in the middle of it all, The Awl. When I’m feeling distracted I open up a New Tab and click on it. It is a good bookmark.

I know what you’re saying, “Whoa ANOTHER New York Times Bookmark? This guy must really love the news!” To which I would respond: Yes, I love my news! Though the fact that I have two bookmarks dedicated to one news website belies my actual affection for the news, and is more likely just evidence that I have been slacking in my Bookmarking. And also: I probably just bookmarked this because I wanted people who sneak a peek at my browser to think that I am a Informed Citizen, and also I don’t know if I could believe in my personal identity if I did not have the New York Times bookmarked? I guess that need has sort of graduated to Subscribing to the New York Times Digital Edition. Which: Mobile app. Bookmark not really relevant anymore.

Friends, I’m going to admit it. From here on out are the Zombie Bookmarks. The Bookmarks That Time Forgot. I bookmarked the Verge mostly because it was the physical (or digital?) manifestation of the sentiment I was feeling at the time of “The Verge does some cool stuff with feature writing. I want to find some way to support this kind of cool stuff.” And so, it was Bookmark’d.

Same thing again. Though this bookmark always annoyed me because it used the BuzzFeed favicon instead of a FWD one.

This is a weird bookmark. First a Protip: You can change the text of your bookmarks! For example, when I bookmarked this it read as “Rock, Paper, Shotgun.” That takes up a lot of space for a bookmark, so I opened up the Bookmarks Manager and changed the title to RPS. It’s also a sort of useful bookmark because a bunch of people from the United Kingdom write for this site, and thus they never tweet when I’m on Twitter. But most times, I’ll be reading something and just think “Man, I haven’t read RPS in awhile,” and then type r-o-c and hit [Enter].

I don’t really go on reddit anymore.

Giant Bomb is cool, but they have a lot of Content. You could spend all day viewing their Content. This bookmark was great in college when I had plenty of free time to Consume Content. But now that I’m old I have to think about what stuff I’m going to read on the Internet in a given day. And Consuming Content on Giant Bomb is hard when you’re not caught up on What Happened Last Week on Giant Bomb. Not a great bookmark for me.

This is my last bookmark. It goes to the Penny Arcade Forums. Not the webcomic. When I was in college this bookmark was my favorite bookmark. I consumed and created a lot of content through this bookmark. I used this bookmark to figure out what video games to play, what Team Fortress 2 servers to play on, or form terrible opinions on things like public policy, how to do taxes, and minor creative decisions that video game developers make. It is a terrible bookmark, and I deeply regret ever Bookmarking it in the first place. What the fuck was I thinking? Jeeeeeez.

Anyway, those are my bookmarks. Happy bookmarking!

