Black History Month in Germany and Austria

Jaselle Edward-Gill
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

The beginning of February marked the official start of ‘Black History Month’ in Germany and Austria. Both countries use this time to shed light on different events, activities, and gatherings with the sole intention of showcasing the talents of the global black diaspora.

Whilst 2020 saw the ignition of the Black Lives Matter movement around the world, concerns over racial injustices have remained, to varying degrees, a central feature to those whose lived experience centres around black identity.

Within our field of AI, issues regarding the impact of bias and discrimination targeted at black communities continue to make the news. Barriers to technological equality continue due to the lack of diversity within training datasets and demographics which make up the tech sector. Through our work, we aim to increase diversity at the intersection of gender, and in doing so, intend to amplify and include marginalised voices.

As we contribute to the cause of debiasing AI and supporting our less represented members, it is essential that at this time, when the media spotlight isn’t as fixed on racial injustice that we remain vigilant and continue to do our part, in whatever capacity, to increase our allyship to create, intergenerational change.

This year will see a notable shift from previous activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In-person events in Germany and Austria will be swapped for virtual events during 2021, so we have compiled a list of online activities you can take part in held in both regions.

5th Feb — Black History Month — Opening Concert

8th Feb — Let’s Re-Define Schönheitsideale

10th Feb — Black, Brown and Vocal: Power & Privilege

11th Feb — Einstieg in intersektionale Diskriminierungskritik

20th Feb — Black Voices In Opera

24th Feb — Black Creatives discussion

