POOL DAY is here — 16:00 UTC, December 14th

Published in
7 min readDec 14, 2020

It’s here. And boy do we hope you are prepared for this!

POOL DAY is TOMORROW, December 14th. The HAREM farm will begin accepting WAIF and WAIF-ETH LP tokens at 16:00 UTC (11:00 AM EST). Users will be able to access the two pools through our staking website [REDACTED UNTIL 1600 UTC]. What do you need to do to make sure you’re ready? Not much, but let’s dive in!

There will be two different ways to earn HAREM, our non-transferrable token that is only redeemable for NFTs. Liquidity Provider (LP) depositors will receive a 3.3x HAREM bonus in the LP pool, while the participants in the WAIF single asset pool will earn a smaller amount HAREM per day. This has a few benefits to the WAIFU ecosystem and our users and was built in careful consideration with our technical partners at The Arcadia Group who have audited key projects such as CORE and LUA recently.

For one, the LP reward bonus incentivizes market liquidity by supplying a boost in HAREM rewards for this and the next batch of NFTs. More liquidity on our Uniswap pair means less slippage for buyers and sellers of WAIF. LP pools have always been the most attractive and we think this is a sustainable farming design. Unlike other Ethereum-based yield farms which dilute the supply of their ERC-20 token through high APY emissions to bootstrap the network, WAIF is fully diluted — meaning all of the supply has been distributed — and the HAREM is an entirely separate token which can only be used to claim artwork from our gallery. In other words, the value WAIF/ETH is unaffected by HAREM emissions and claims. There is no way to sell HAREM.

However as the price of WAIF/ETH rises, the maximum tranche of 10M WAIF requires more ETH to pair and create UNI-V2 LP tokens because Uniswap requires a 1:1 ratio of WAIF and ETH when you add liquidity. Simply put, as the price of WAIF rises it will require more ETH to meet the max staking size for new participants. Single asset stakers are unaffected by this and have the benefit of avoiding impermanent loss associated with price movement on Uniswap. We hope you get in early regardless of your choice!

So what’s the cost for each NFT and how long will it take to acquire them for the biggest whales?

You know you want a HAREM at this point.


There will only be (32) common, (20) rare, (11) super rare, (7) legendary and only (3) heirloom NFTs available to farm this month and quantities for the first three tiers could change overtime.

Users will be able to claim common, rare, and super rare NFTs while supplies last. Wallets are limited to only 2 legendary and 1 heirloom collectible for this month in the interest of fairness. HAREM is non-transferrable and wallets will not be able to share claimed rewards. Our illustrators will each receive a copy of the digital art they have produced with us. All HAREM NFTs may be traded on OpenSea.io, Rarible.com, and any other secondary marketplace that supports ERC-1155 tokens.

Common 100 HAREM*
Rare 200 HAREM*
Super Rare300 HAREM*
Legendary 700 HAREM*
Heirloom1400 HAREM*

*Prices will change as the coin-generation grows.

HAREM Token Rewards

LP — 200 $HAREM/day

Users may deposit assets to the pool at any time after 11:00 AM EST on December 14th through the web3 portal at the staking website [REDACTED UNTIL 1600 UTC]. HAREM can be claimed at any point and redeemed for NFTs while supplies last. There is no unbonding period or staking fee.

Daily emissions for maximum allowed size of 10M WAIF + n ETH in the LP pool compared to 10M WAIF in the single asset pool.

How WAIF vs LP pools stack up in HAREM rewards. LP staking gives a 3.3x bonus, which can get you the rarest NFT in just 14 days.

How do I stake?

The WAIF ERC-20 token is the backbone of our staking economy.

  1. WAIF is available through our Uniswap WAIF/ETH pairing.

2. Users must hold WAIF in their wallet and connect to our STAKING portal with MetaMask or another smart wallet.

3. Enter the amount of WAIF tokens you would like to stake if you will be using the single asset pool. Make sure to approve all prompted transactions.

You can enter up to 10,000,000 WAIF tokens into the single asset pool and hit “Approve”.
You will first need to sign a message with the Ethereum blockchain to establish a Web3 connection. You can edit your transaction fee in MetaMask and choose a faster setting. Click “Confirm” after and sign the message.
The next step is to send the transaction to submit your tokens to the HAREM farming contract. Ethereum can be a pain, but you can check the recommended gas fees at: https://ethgasstation.info/. Make sure you use a much higher gas limit if you up the GWEI gas price!

Now you’re staked! If you want a bigger bonus, you’ll need to deposit LP tokens instead. You mix LP and single asset deposits up to a 10M WAIF maximum.

3.1 Enter the amount of WAIF-ETH LP tokens if you wish to stake in the LP pool and receive a 3.3x bonus.

Uniswap will automatically place these in your wallet when you add liquidity to our pair, and this is a separate token from the WAIF ERC-20. Make sure to approve all prompted transactions. Your LP balance will be shown on the bottom right of our STAKING page.

When you “Add Liquidity” to our Uniswap pair, this is the first screen you will see. WAIF and ETH always exist in a 1:1 amount in the liquidity pool.
Enter your LP tokens here. This is a dynamic number that will change with the price of WAIF/ETH, but you will receive rewards based upon when you added liquidity on Uniswap.

4. You can unstake and receive your earned HAREM tokens at any time. You may have to refresh to see your updated rewards.

5. If you have at least 100 HAREM, go ahead and claim your first common from the GALLERY page! The ERC-1155 token will be transferred to your wallet and you now have full ownership of this token. Congrats — she’s all yours!

6. You can now send her anywhere, but we hope you want to keep her, senpai.

The green box highlights the single asset WAIF pool, while the purple one is our LP staking pool with higher rewards.

What’s next?

We will be kicking off two community hype programs to spread the world about our wonderful HAREM farm. There will be a meme contest and a few awards for the most popular tweets! Here are the details:

WAIF Meme Bounty

Do you have what it takes to win over the hearts of millions of weebs? Are you a ride or die meme maker? We have a job for YOU! Get involved with us and show us your best stuff. We will be taking submissions on our #waifu-memes Discord channel, or you can send them in our Telegram channel and use the #WAIFU tag so we can index them! Rewards will be handed out every 48 hours. This campaign will run for a total of 20 days. Winners will be judged by the team and assisted by community input.

Individual winners: 25k WAIF.
Total pot:
250k WAIF

WAIF Twitter Showdown

We need to spread the word, anon! There is a whole world of anime fans out there on twitter. We need YOU to share our story, RT our memes, and get the most engagement possible using the #HAREM and #WAIFU tags. We will be rewarding the most popular posts every 48 hours with 10K WAIF. This will be decided by the team using the formula ((.3)Likes * (.7)RTs * comments). Any accounts that existed before November, 2020 are eligible. We will be checking the engagement of each winning post to ensure it was not botted. Make sure to use those tags and tell your friends!

Individual winners: 10k WAIF
Total pot: 100k WAIF

Other Initiatives

A referral system will be implemented this week using Gleam.io to track who can bring in the biggest crowd. The reward structure for this is being designed, but we hope to get more users in our Telegram and Discord servers and pay out WAIF to those who want to put in the hard work to grow our community. There will also be a Reddit-focused drive to get more visibility in r/cryptomoonshots and other communities focused on finding low-cap gems. Don’t forget you can always be active on our subreddit, too!

We also have a few partnerships in the works that we can’t yet fully disclose, but there are some wonderful folks in the NFT world who love what we are doing and want to support us.

Stay tuned to see who’s getting cozy with WAIFU for 2021. There’s a lot of cool stuff in the pipeline and it is not far away! It would be a shame if you missed it. In the meantime, check out some of the changes we’ve made to our website which include a reveal of the team and our advisors.

See you in the pools!


The WAIFU Project





A community-directed project for digital art collectors, investors, and gamers.