Roadmap update & a glance back

Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020

WAIFU Token’s first month is a successful proof of concept by all measures! We have been able to gather a community of like-minded digital art collectors, anime fans and investors across different platforms. Our fully diluted market cap has grown from $0 on August 6th to nearly $3M during peak mania. With nearly 800 wallets and telegram members, thousands of real Twitter followers, and some hardcore fans (we like to call them the Waifu Marines) it’s clear this project is laying the groundwork for explosive growth over the next few months. After all, you’re still here with us and we’ve never been more active and visible! Let’s take a look back at some of the major accomplishments in August and get cozy together, anon.

Our wallet distribution after nearly a month of market activity

When WAIFU Token was launched at the beginning of the month with nearly 90% of the total token supply locked into our Uniswap WAIF/ETH liquidity pool. This means that the vast majority of $WAIF was available to buy on an open, non-KYC market from the beginning. It was our intention to give everybody a fair shot at grabbing their stack at a low price and this has worked out wonderfully for so many early community members who now see a very bright future and are motivated to help the project grow either as developers, community managers, meme maker, or whatever division of the Waifu Marine Corps fits their strength! The remaining 10% (100,000,000 $WAIF) has remained untouched. This will be the backbone of our proposed DAO as either an Aragon smart contract or as part of another safe long-term solution for protecting our baby. Details on this will be shared as the team and community comes closer to a decision but we are committed to keeping this fund intact and leveraging it for project growth. The Waifuverse could be funded for years if we plan this properly. As such it will be a slow and deliberate decision. One interesting observation is that there are several new solutions that approach our needs and a few will be ready in the next month. However, this is more complicated than just locking some tokens away.

The Waifu Marines are the strongest out there

We understand the pitfalls governance models and know that community voting can be tricky, but we also want to be in agreement that this initial process must involve YOU! We want to hear what you think about our nascent WAIFU fund. In the not-so-distant future we will be holding a few votes in Discord and Telegram to take the community temperature and help set our course. We want to promise you all that this is an investment in the project’s future above all else

Our launch on Uniswap was only the beginning of this grassroots experiment. Within the first two weeks we were able to snag some awesome designers, developers and advisors while keeping our costs near $0. Listings were submitted and accepted for Blockfolio, CoinMarketCap, and Coingecko. Several giveaways and meme contests have been held by now, and we’ve given out well over $1000 of $WAIF to a few lucky anons! And received so. Many. Memes. Our V2 homepage launched and includes new functionality and details on WAIFU NFT generation in addition to THREE complete dApps we would just love for you to try. There are also a few guides on how to use MetaMask on Uniswap and a step-by-step tutorial on purchasing $WAIF!

The first two WAIFU ERC-1155 tokens were minted and auctioned on with a grand finale — both NFTs combined went for over 10M $WAIF! After the cost of artwork, 100% of these sales will go towards a centralized exchange listing! This money could also be used in the short term to strengthen our liquidity pool(s).

Powering up for the next big thing…

Eyes from all walks of the cryptosphere on us, many secretly professing their love of waifus. But most importantly our core group has stayed scrappy and leveraged our minimal resources and varied talents to establish a solid foundation for the WAIFU Project. And there’s still a whole day left in the month of August! Rumor has it we’ll be announcing a new liquidity pool very soon. Uniswap is just the beginning. We have also dug into the serious work of writing our Waifuverse complete with characters and original art. There are multiple facets to this and we even have a community member who has taken the lead on developing our physical trading card game which will compliment our NFT Waifuverse on mobile and desktop browser!

September will bring some terrific developments in the world of WAIFU. We hope to be able to deliver some cool stuff including…

  • The first public version of our Waifpaper
  • A more complete roadmap
  • At least one centralized exchange
  • Our own NFT marketplace
  • Details on LP staking and our raffle process
  • A bunch of new auctions
  • New perks & experiences for top 50 $WAIF holders
  • The first WAIFU VR meetup
  • A very fun scavenger hunt
  • Complete website revamp
  • Our proprietary copyright dApp proof of concept
  • A fresh rework of the WAIFU brand
  • Several more 1st Gen WAIFU NFTs up for grabs in surprising places
  • And much much more…
There’s a lot you need to know, anon.

After our latest developer meeting we have decided to begin migrating our private channels into our public Discord. This will happen in a few stages, but its understood our development channel is the most bullish thing about this project and we would love to show off exactly what we are working on! This is only one way in which we can streamline our development process.

As we move closer to our next auctions — and we already have the artwork in hand — we want to hear what you think about our Waifuverse! Drop into our Discord or Telegram and let us know what your DREAM waifu looks like. We’re busy building character lore and know that our community is full of good opinions. Don’t be shy!


The liquidity pool is super cozy.

There is a bunch more that we want to share but you will have to stay tuned and catch us on the next of our regular weekly reviews! That’s right — we are going steady now! Every Monday we will provide a scheduled post to review our progress and highlight some of our favorite community submissions, new members, and whatever else needs to be added to the Waifuverse. Be here or be square, senpai!


The Waifu Project




A community-directed project for digital art collectors, investors, and gamers.