
I am Beginning to Write My Novel Tonight

A month late on the New Year’s Resolution, but hey, nobody’s perfect.

Emme Beckett
Wait, One More Thing
4 min readFeb 3, 2021


Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash

Oh yeah. That’s right. You can reread that title up there. Yes sir. As the Greatest Showman once proclaimed, “It starts tonight!”

I actually read somewhere that you can get sued as a writer for quoting song lyrics. Is that true? My most popular post on Medium has like twenty song lyrics so I should probably look into that.

Hey Emme, stay on task! They clicked because you were talking about the novel.

Oh right. The novel. Ahhhh, let me roll up my sleeves and explain how this sure-to-be-a-disaster came to be. . .

The Moment The Idea Struck

All aspiring writers dream of seeing their hardback new releases obnoxiously displayed on that first enticing table as you enter a Barnes and Noble. I love that table. You know, beside Grisham and Picoult’s latest.

John, Jodi and Emme. We’re the three best friends that anyone can have. Wait, am I allowed to quote movies, or is that suable too? I hate rules.

For me, I live in a beach town. During the summer, under the scorching sun, when I’m walk/run/skipping like a jackass because I always forget…

