Why I Started My Own Publication

It’s already exploding with one follower and like five views.

Emme Beckett
Wait, One More Thing
3 min readDec 11, 2020


Screenshot by author. Image property of author. Image actually is the author.

I started my own publication yesterday. On a whim. Just like that. Snap. Ping. Poof.

It was actually pretty fun. I’ve read all the articles about why you should start your own publication. And why you shouldn’t. But why you should. Shouldn’t. Should.

If that last paragraph made sense to you, you’ve read them too.

Why I Started a Publication

It was very impulsive, like most bad decisions are. But this one feels good. For now. I’ll probably lose steam and forget about it by February and leave it to die like I do with my most of my dreams, fitness apps, and house plants.

Yeah, sure I might have only two pieces published so far, but patience Watson. Or something.

Creating my own publication had been something that I had been considering doing for a while, but I’m far too lazy to follow through with most endeavors that require extra effort.

I Wrote a Homeless Piece

I pounded out a weird advice article about the importance of writing ideas down as soon as they enter your mind.

