Wait 21 Scholarships

Maxwell Brieden
Wait 21
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2017

Each year Wait 21 provides scholarships to outstanding youth who are leading the movement in educating communities on the science of addiction. This year, Wait 21 is providing two new scholarships presented by Crave 21 and Rise Together. These organizations have helped educate and bring awareness to this disease called Addiction.

How do students get these scholarships?

Students are eligible for Wait 21 Scholarships after taking the initial Wait 21 Pledge. In order to increase your odds of winning one of these special scholarships, one must recruit friends and stay active in the program through taking recommitment pledges throughout the year.


Wait 21 is supported through the help of its sponsors. Crave 21 and Rise Together are two sponsors who have put up Wait 21 scholarships this year for students who are educating their communities on the science of addiction. Read along to learn more about these great organizations.

Crave 21 is a youth program for elementary school students, educating them on the ‘Science of Craving’, aka ‘addiction.’ Students give up their BIGGEST craving for 21 days and replace it with a HEALTHIER habit. Along their 21 day health challenge, students fill out a notebook where they record their learning experience from insightful videos and articles. The Crave 21 Challenge is also available for anyone else interested in learning a new habit and raising awareness around addiction.

Rise Together encourages students to stand up and speak out on the issues they care most about; breaking the silence around suicide, bullying, mental illness, drugs & alcohol. Rise Together accomplishes this through presenting resources like Wait 21 and Crave 21 to students around the US.

More sponsors are already on the list for next year! To become a sponsor or support a Wait 21 Scholarship, email them at hello@wait21.org or visit their donation/sponsor page at wait21.org/donate.



Maxwell Brieden
Wait 21
Editor for

Founder MarksonMarketing.com • Program Manager Wait21.org + Crave21.org • Recognized Youth Change Maker • Human Factors Specialist