Why I Choose not to Drink on my 21st

Maxwell Brieden
Wait 21
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2017


I did it! I’ve reached the age we have all experienced waiting for. The age that officially welcomes you to the table and offers you a drink. However, instead of going out to celebrate 🍻, I decided to do something off the beaten path. The sun was shining and my heart was pounding. I was so stoked to get away to the beach that day. As a college student, I dreamed of any chance I could get to climb out from underneath the books and into the warm sandy beaches of Hawaii.

Wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else

Choosing to celebrate my 21st in this fashion obstructed the common trend seen in our society today. Studies show more than 4 out of 5 people drink alcohol on their 21st birthday. 34% of men and 24% of women consume over 21 drinks on their 21st birthday! To put this in perspective, binge drinking involves consuming more than 5 drinks within one sitting. 21 drinks is ridiculous and absurd but not uncommon.

Out of all of my friends who have turned 21 over the past several years, I have continued to see this trend in real life. A considerable number of my friends rely on me to recount the story of their 21st birthday due to having too much “fun with turning 21.” The only memories they have made on their iconic birthday were the memories of how others saw them (which wasn’t pretty). Sure, there are some funny stories that can come about after a night of drinking; but rarely are any of those nights actually thoroughly enjoyed.

Now, I’m not against drinking, nor do I condone it, I simply do not partake in it. Drinking is a choice and a decision that each individual needs to make for themselves. Drinking can be a great social tool for some when appropriately handled. I believe in respecting everyone’s decision and supporting them in their life. I also believe we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge and understanding of certain lifestyle choices before we make the decision to follow down the trend.

Personally, I grew up knowing my path involved a sober life. With an alcoholic mother, I knew the harmful effects of such a substance would only hold me back from achieving what I wanted in life. For that, I am truly grateful. My eldest brother Camden showed me some statistics on this disease called addiction. I learned over 40 million people in the United States are affected by addiction today. I also learned some facts that helped my decision to Wait 21. Turns out 90% of those with an addiction today started using or drinking before the age of 21. And if they waited until their 21st, their risk of having an addiction would drop from 25% to only 4%! I was like “WHOAA! So you’re telling me if I just wait until I’m 21 before considering drinking, I can basically secure a more promising future free from addiction?” And he’s like “Yup!” Being the bargain shopper I was, I figured that was the best deal I’d ever seen!

So I waited… And as I waited I learned more about myself than I thought was possible. I became the person I wanted to be by the age of 21. I found passions for things like hiking, climbing, surfing, reading, and yes, even working. Instead of seeing the world through the bottom of a glass, I saw all the positivity in life, the possibilities that came to light, and the importance of living this lifestyle. Life was simple, life was good. I’m not sure what my life would be like if I ever decided to drink before I turned 21. However, I know that where I am today couldn’t have been achieved any other way. Because of these things, I’ve actually chosen to stay sober and continue my life of abstinence due to the benefits I’ve seen.

Success can always be achieved through many different means. Whether or not you make drinking a part of your life, I encourage you to see and learn the benefits of waiting. Join me and hundreds of others in waiting until 21 before considering alcohol at Wait21.org.

Friends, Beaches, and Palm Trees = Best Way to Celebrate any 21st

Source: http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2008/05/21st-birthday.aspx



Maxwell Brieden
Wait 21

Founder MarksonMarketing.com • Program Manager Wait21.org + Crave21.org • Recognized Youth Change Maker • Human Factors Specialist