Checklist of a Stunning Cocktail Menu

Waitron Menu
Waitron.Menu Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2019

Every restaurateur is constantly looking for new ways to attract visitors. Creating a cocktail menu is an excellent way to breathe new life into your restaurant and, besides, increase sales at the same time.

Here are several reasons, which will inspire you to create a cocktail menu design for your restaurant or café:

1. Attracting customers’ attention

Alcohol beverages are considered to be the most profitable positions on the menu. If you want your visitor to order a drink, encourage him. And a beautiful cocktail menu is a great way to do it.

2. Convenient choice

A separate menu will help you to show the full range of drinks, but, at the same time, will not allow customers to drown in tons of text. You will agree that having two menus is much more convenient than having a big one.

3. Increasing sales

A cocktail menu can be left at the table even after the order is made. Leave it unobtrusively, and your visitor will not be able to resist the next order.

  • Classification

To make it easier for the guest to choose, it is very important to classify drinks properly in the menu layout. For example, divide cocktails into classic and branded, which can be tasted only in your restaurant. You can also classify drinks according to taste, type of alcohol or its strength.

  • Informative content

Firstly, it is important to pay attention to literacy and never allow mistakes in the names of drinks. Secondly, develop as clear menu as possible: describe taste peculiarities, ingredients and origin of a drink.

  • Visualization

When ordering a cocktail, everyone expects a beautiful and unusual presentation. That is why, guest needs to know in advance what his drink will look like. Add to your menu an appropriate icon, photo or drawing of a cocktail. Look for more ideas in the article about how to use icons.

  • Names

A successful name is exactly what can force a visitor to order a certain cocktail. If your menu includes only classic cocktails, add something special to them. But if you serve branded cocktails, then turn on your imagination and create names, which will complement your concept perfectly.

  • Placement

We recommend placing classic cocktails at the end of the list, so that guests try your branded drinks first. Also, put the most profitable cocktails in the center of the menu or its upper corners. That is how you will draw attention to them. Professional menu templates you can find on Waitron.Menu.

  • Seasonality

Cocktails, like most other positions on the menu, have their seasonality. For example, such winter cocktails as grog or mulled wine should be replaced with lighter drinks in summer. We also recommend creating seasonal strawberry or citrus drinks.

