Data Management and the Future of Technology

Uma Edwin
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2022

Data is everything and everything is data is a common aphorism with company leads and managers. Data is simply statistical knowledge or figures collected for analysis and reference. While data management is the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing data for use in effective operational decision-making and strategic planning.

With the advent of modern technology, data management has expanded significantly from written statistics to digital data managed by engineers and software systems. Every startup has an internet presence; an app, website, social media, etc., and with constant user connection now available with technology, brands are collecting more and more complex data at an increasing volume. Data management has now become a crucial part of company systems and operations.

Not only does data influence decision making but the method of storing and managing data plays an important role in modern economies. One of the most revolutionary inventions in tech today is blockchain technology and blockchain is simply how data is stored and distributed. A typical database stores information in files and rows but in blockchain databases information is stored in blocks that are closed and immutable and linked to one another in a chain, hence the term blockchain. By changing the way data is stored, engineers and developers have created a whole new world of possibilities from cryptocurrency, to web3, to metaverses and everything in between that blockchain technology and its decentralized system offers.

With the advent of blockchain technology and the possibilities it creates, modern tech has been fuelled by data management systems and solutions. Big data visibility, reliability, security, and scalability have now become crucial parts of every organization.

Big data refers to large chunks of structured and unstructured data collected and curated from many sources in increasing volumes. Big data is data sets that are too large to be processed by traditional software and require constant sorting and analysis.

As technology creates more and more avenues of collecting information on clients and users and as this information grows per second with each user, data collected becomes larger and more complex by the day which creates a need for data analysts and managers who can sort through these large forms of data for brands and businesses.

What is data science?

Data science is a growing field of mathematics and statistics which deals with analyzing, breaking down, and sorting big data into useful information. It has to do with the handling of large, complex, structured, and unstructured data to produce information that is simpler and easier to understand and digest.

Data scientists create strategies for exploring, analyzing, and interpreting data. Data science teams include managers, engineers, and data architects who use computer programs and models to break down and structure data. They build models, create programming code, and analyze large data to pull insights. Data scientists use a variety of tools and methods to derive meaningful information from big data and these tools include data mining, machine learning, programming, and analytics.

Here at Wajusoft we offer data science expertise and services. With our world-class analytics team, we offer in-depth analysis and insights that improve your brand’s customer conversion rate and provide useful business strategies. A partnership with Wajusoft includes access to product managers and data scientists who employ thorough AI techniques and systems to provide insights for business growth.

Benefits of data science

Data management has opened a field of new jobs and careers. Data scientists function as storytellers who turn hard statistical and computational facts into understandable easily digestible forms. Some benefits of having a data science team are:

-Improved organizational efficiency: by creating efficient information collection and management systems that take the burden away from other teams from sorting and managing big data individually, efficiency within organizations is improved. Big data requires time and resources to handle and this can be a burden on teams which do not specialize in handling data. Data scientists take this burden from nondata teams and leave them with more time for other company needs.

- Data science provides predictive analytics for organizations which can be used for future product development and understanding consumer patterns and behavior. This predictive analytics are crucial to provide insights into consumer behaviour and improve support and business decisions.

- Data science and analytics help businesses scale faster. With centralized data management platforms and analysts, brands can not only gain insight into consumer behavior but these behaviors can be used to assess risks and influence organizational decisions. With understandable consumer data businesses can scale faster and more efficiently.

- Data security and recovery: Data management not only involves data collection and analytics but also storage, security, and recovery. Data scientists curate data to provide easy access to important data but also safeguard brands against external data security theft and also data loss.

Data management is driving new innovations and therefore the direction of tech and the world as a whole. Data is the backbone of future tech innovations and with software and engineering delivered as a service over the cloud, outsourcing data management is becoming the easier and more common choice. The future of technology is in how data is collected and secured and data management is going to influence not just the economy of the future but where tech and human history is heading next.

