How Losing My Job Saved My Marriage

Pete Dominick on life after his SiriusXM show was canceled

Pete Dominick
Wake-Up Call


This is Wake-Up Call’s Hot Mic op-ed column. Today, Pete Dominick opens up about how being in “the suck” might be the best thing to happen to a person.

Losing my ideal job saved my marriage… even though it felt like the end of everything I loved.

Let’s back up a bit. It was my dream gig: Hosting a national radio show for three hours every weekday at SiriusXM. Stand Up with Pete Dominick provided me with everything I thought I needed. Financial security, health insurance, great hours, time with my family, and most importantly, a profound purpose. But I knew my end was drawing near when my bosses announced the termination of my channel, which I myself had pitched and helped create (and launch just four years earlier). Despite this intuition, I still clung to the hope that the suits would find a new home for my popular show on another channel, as they had three times before. But my gut kept telling me something different. Those months of uncertainty were nothing short of torture. Wondering every day if this would be my last show made my prep work more and more challenging.

Then it finally happened. My boss called me to his office right after my show on October 8, 2019. I walked up the SiriusXM staircase to the…

