How the Queen of Spin Rode Her Way to the Top… Twice

“Passion was my driving force, not money”

Katie Couric
Wake-Up Call


Ruth Zukerman’s new book is out now.

RRuth Zukerman is the queen of spin. She started going to indoor cycling classes shortly after her divorce in 1996 — and fell in love with it. Ruth eventually co-founded SoulCycle, and later left the company to start over with Flywheel. I chatted with Ruth about her book Riding High, where she writes about bouncing back and carrying on even if you hit some bumps on your ride. Read our conversation below…

Katie Couric: Before you made yourself into a powerhouse entrepreneur, you had to make your way as a single mom of twin girls in NYC without a reliable source of income. How did that experience shape you and even lead to your future success?

Ruth Zukerman: Making the decision to leave my marriage took a lot of strength and moral courage…strength that I didn’t even know I had and courage to foray into the world as a single mom who would hopefully serve as a positive role model for my daughters. My days of babysitters and certain luxuries came to a screeching halt as I could no longer afford the same lifestyle. As I faced the challenge of how I would make ends meet, my priorities…



Katie Couric
Wake-Up Call

Founder, Katie Couric Media. Newscaster: Wake-Up Call. Podcaster: Next Question. Doc filmmaker. @SU2C founder.