When Your Home Becomes Your Office — And Daycare

I’m a single mom. I’ve been there.

Rachel Sklar
Wake-Up Call


Rachel Sklar (and Ruby’s foot).

Hi. I hope you are doing okay. What a time we are in. Godspeed. Okay, to business.

I’m a single mom to an almost-five year old. I work for myself — I run an online professional network for women and am a writer, lyricist and consultant — so not only do I work from home, but I often do so at odd hours depending on when news breaks or the need otherwise arises. The bottom line: I have done LOTS of work while being distracted by my child. That work has frequently taken much longer than it should have. But for those of you coming off of a harrowing first few days of trying to work while also being a putative full-time homeschooler, I promise you — it is possible.

Here are a few thoughts on how to make this work, with the caveat that I am hours late on this story because of [gestures broadly]. I am no one’s productivity expert! But I’ve written stanzas from the playground and sent edits back and forth while pushing a stroller and done a live TV segment while breastfeeding and, just today, led a very professional Zoom call with a child climbing on my head. So in this very unique and weird set of circumstances in which we now find ourselves, I’m kind of an expert.

Here are some tips.

Boundaries! Save



Rachel Sklar
Wake-Up Call

Writer, entrepreneur & activist. Founder of TheLi.st and Change The Ratio. Just here to elevate women & sing showtunes. Find me @rachelsklar on Twitter/Insta.