Redefining how Humans live and interact.

Ayush Ghai
Learning, exploration and sustainability
8 min readDec 30, 2015

This is a long read. You may visit the home page to get a quicker introduction to LifeMaker.

LifeMaker is a technology enabled platform for people to awaken and grow together.

So why does the world need (something like) LifeMaker?

We are far from being connected

As the history goes, and so does today’s News, we Humans are largely ruled by divisions, greed, fear/hatred or Ego.

Prodigal children of the planet, we have been wasting. The by product is ‘plastic’, in various forms and shapes. Everywhere.

In last 100 years only, we have destroyed life’s balance on the planet. Leave alone other species, we have also destroyed fellow humans, often with pleasure. Suffering from all possible forms of materialism and ignorance, we still go about repeating the same acts (crimes) heedlessly. And we celebrate our ‘victories’ over each other- in reality whichever side wins, it is Our loss. The real victory is of ignorance and (illusory) divisions.

We are asleep, as if waiting for a catastrophic disaster to wake us up.
Looking at the degeneration of life on planet and as the ones responsible for it, it is worth asking ourselves - have we been growing, or degenerating?

Whatever be the answer to previous question, there is definitely an undeniable scope to grow more. LifeMaker is a melting pot for those who want to come together as One and to grow meaningfully. And to give our children a greener Earth and wisdom from our learning.

LifeMaker is first and foremost about Unity (in the difference). We welcome every One who wishes to unite with us in a true spirit of Oneness. One who has already awakened or one who can not see how we are One may or may not be on LifeMaker. But, the One who has realized he is neither here nor there and that he suffers, One who is curious to know ‘Who am I? And what is this Samsara?’, The One who wants to not waste and grow, the One who wants to see Human life reach its Zenith, is truly desired to be part of LifeMaker.

“It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human nature, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow.”

— Werner Heisenberg, founder of quantum mechanics

LifeMaker is a framework for Us to come together, from different lines of thoughts, beliefs and cultures, ‘as One’. Together we will seek answers. We will be aware. We will collaborate for and with each other. We will ‘sustain a healthy growth’. As for new and interesting developments that will follow, Earth will witness them with us and our children, in togetherness.

There is no available model to evaluate the impact of our Life

Our actions generate a sense of appreciation (or lack of it) in the world around us — a reflection of our Self. Over time every One earns (or loses) Karma in their engagement with the World. When we want to deal with someone for first time, it helps to know how much goodness they have spread in their life so far. Based on what exists today, there is no way to have an idea of the Karma of a person the first time we meet her.

So on LifeMaker, we track every member’s Karma (goodwill in the Network). If we see any act of value generation, we say Thanks to those people. The thanks increases their Karma. If we see something counter productive, we say No Thanks, which has a reverse effect of a Thanks.

Karma will help members know each individual’s value in the Network.

There is no platform connecting the right people and the right cause at right time

The way of life is symbiotic co-existence. Collaboration or the propagation of the world should ideally happen by the way of Natural Selection. The process of natural selection is based on a match of features between a pair or group in consideration. More the number of ‘valid’ choices, the better the outcome is expected to be.

LifeMaker also facilitates an interest based match. The primary medium of communication with the rest of the Tribe is Smoke Signals. A Smoke Signal can be a personal need, a thought, question, News, call for collective action, an offer etc.

When you light up a Signal on the application, the platform highlights them to some recipients, based on their interests. Those members may be anywhere in this global-local network and may not be known to you.

Let us consider a situation to see how it will work. Imagine, its a hot summer day and you are somehow stuck on a highway in a foreign land, and its late. There are no hotels nearby and you want to stay overnight at a safe place. You send a Smoke Signal from your location, looking for a help. Members of the Network from neighboring area respond. You can see the Karma and personal information of everyone on their profiles. Accordingly, you may trust whose house you can take rest for the night. Next morning, you Thank this gentleman and go to get your car fixed by a car mechanic who reached you back in response to your Signal.

For every Smoke Signals, we want the best (and as many as possible) recipients to see them, to increase the chance of serendipity. Once the match happens, may the best outcomes emerge :)

In our ‘System’, time and material mean money and livelihood. Substance does not earn sustenance.

Many of us dedicate our lives (or part of it) for serving our family, friends, neighbors, Humanity or Nature. But often, this kind of work does not get paid or paid very less. Why? Because Substance does not have much value in the ‘market’. Nature (still) gives to all in Abundance. In our ignorance, we hoard as much as we can and waste recklessly, while most others get starved.

Now imagine a world where, whenever One feels gratitude, One gifts a part of One’s sustenance resources to the Good Ones. The Good Ones will live in abundance, and the One to gift too. The Spirit of giving with gratitude can sustain every One in abundance, happiness and Love.

On LifeMaker, People gift Wood (the fuel of the Network) to each other when Thanking. The one with more Thanks has more Wood and more Karma :) He will be able to have more exchange power within the Network. He can send more Smoke Signals, for longer duration. He can also return his woods to the Foundation and get help for basic sustenance in return. The LifeMaker foundation will help the Good Ones sustain (at par with their stock of Woods). We will also fund good initiatives by the Network or its Friends across the World. LifeMaker will be sustained by its members through their voluntary work, donations or resources. When someone will donate to LifeMaker, they will get appropriate amount of Wood in return. At the oneset, every One gets some stock of Woods and a Karma (42) from the Foundation.

A good acts noticed and Thanked, will mean sustainability of the Doer. The better our our Heroes do, the better we will do!

The (corrupt) System owns the resources and governs our present and future. What about the People?

In today’s System, the big corporations of the World influence our economy (and even governance) from the Top. Because in materialism, money matters and influences most. No matter what they do under Corporate Social Responsibility, their work will always be governed by capitalistic motives — maximizing profit. Today the biggest of decisions that affect our life and this planet, and also the resources of Earth are adversely influenced by those few holding board seats of big corporates. If the money resides more in the hands of the community, and the corporations also look for optimization instead of maximization, the masses (and Truth) will be on the top of the economy (and governance).

Of course every finger is not equal, and some people will have more power than other. Here at LifeMaker we trust power in the hands of those ‘proven to be responsible and good’ through a continuous evaluation of their Karma by the Network. Naturally, natural leaders will emerge and take more responsibility.

Any resources ever leased or owned by LifeMaker Foundation will belong to the Community itself. Trusted members of community will decide best use of resources.


We are probably already building technology to send humans to other inhabitable planets. There was also a movie on this recently, where they take fertilized eggs of humans and other species to another planet because Earth is no more livable and all Humans are facing extinction. They eventually found it. Would you like the children of your children to see such a reality? Let us say such a reality happens, would you like the children of your children to be prepared to face it here on this Earth?

What we at LifeMaker would like is that, no matter how difficult things may be (today is still good), we live together in Dharma of duty to larger Self, in harmony. We work towards new and interesting possibilities in our personal lives, neighborhood and Earth. We try better than our best to make the best out of what we have got. If we are able to come together as One, that is Truly able to come together, then we will most probably not need to go to Mars. Yet if such a situation arises, whosoever goes on Mars or remains on Earth will grow with the culture of responsibility and awakening that we build today. No matter how bad the adversity, how scarce the resources, our children will know how to make abundance out of it, unlike us who have made scarcity out of abundance.

In the time span of this Universe, Humans are there for a fraction of time. If we are a spark in the fire called Universe, LifeMaker is a possibility for us to shine as bright and for as long as possible.

Here we are not at odds against any One including the existing System. We are starting to dance with it. It is a BIG feat to achieve, though very possible and within our reach. LifeMaker is the catalyst a meaningful change in Human society. A real, new and interesting possibility for us to grab on.

If you feel aligned with the cause, download the Android application and join the Network. And of course, you must invite like minded people!


If you find anything mentioned here as incorrect or naive, or you have a suggestion, your input is most Welcome. Please send a Smoke Signal on our Android app, mentioning LifeMaker or, reply to this blog or send a mail to talktous at mindgrep dot com. In any case, if your strongly disagree, let us hope to see the same Truth at some point in future.

