Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!
3 min readJul 20, 2024


A Kingdom Divided

“A House Divided Cannot Stand” …. Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:25

One of Jesus’ least considered statements was about a divided house. In context, he was addressing the charges made by Jewish leaders that his casting out demons was by the power of Satan. His illustration inferred that if Satan casts out Satan (agents of Satan), then his kingdom will fall. This situation is now seen in the infighting of the Progressive Democratic Party. It also symbolizes what is at stake for the entire nation and, ultimately, the world. What is at stake is nothing less than the survival of civilization. This is because the country lacks a vision that unifies us.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” — Proverbs 29:18

For the Democratic Party, the issue is a split between those seeking to push the current president out of the race for re-election. But that is not the heart of the problem. The president is of an age and showing weakness; this is a valid concern — not just for the party’s success or the nation but for the president himself. The intensity of the job will drain him further and likely kill him while in office.

The real problem is that the so-called “progressive” image of the party is under attack. The Democrats claim to be the party of unity and class protection, the champion of the environment, the immigrant, and those unprotected, including sexual and racial minorities. However, now that their chosen champion is down, the next step would be to align themselves with the natural heir of the presidency — the vice president. But there is a problem — the VP is a woman, Black, and daughter of immigrants. The fear among Democratic leaders is that she may be unelectable in the current divided electoral climate.

The opposition has and continues to build its case for a more selective America. Where the tensions of sexual class warfare, segregation, drill, chug, and mass deportation of immigrants become the norm. These are the very things that the current VP demonstrates and argues against. She not only speaks progressively, but she proves it in her very being.

This becomes an opportunity to prove that the Democratic Party’s core beliefs are not hypocritical but fundamental. It is an opportunity to become the force that doesn’t cower because the opposition opposes its position and appears to be gaining strength. Without contrast, there is no purpose; without proving a vision of a growing unity of all for America, there is no strength.

Now is the time to take a stand — even if uncomfortable. The Party needs to look inside and reckon with the demons of prejudice, discrimination, and fear of failure, and, mainly, shun the influences of special interests that secretly do not hold the values of true progressiveness.

Vice President Harris should not be seen as a weakness but as the strength of conviction that progressive values are essential. She is, in fact, the poster child of American progressiveness and should be held up proudly as a vision for the nation. The full power of those who support the democratic vision must unite if there is any chance of defeating the opposition’s repressive vision, the “drill-baby-drill” statement, and the attitude of the opposition candidate from succeeding. If he succeeds, then the progressive vision is likely permanently lost.



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share truth in times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once mighty Church of Jesus Christ.