Christianity — what is it?

Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!
2 min readJul 26, 2024

No serious discussion on Christian faith leads to a consensus conclusion: the hidden or unseen element clouds or ability to see beyond. The controversy on Jesus continues: Was he God? Was he human? Is God a trinity? Did Jesus die on the cross, or was it an illusion? Can God inhabit a human body and experience pain, hunger, temptation, physical death…and so on. These issues will not be resolved satisfactorily while we remain on Earth.

However, the critical issue involves Jesus completing his mission to open a door for salvation for all. Any theory that blocks this message is inconsistent with biblical intent. If Jesus was not human, he could not be the “Son of Man” envisioned in Daniel’s vision.[1] Jesus couldn’t speak with authority or make prophecy meaningful if he wasn’t one with God.[2] If Jesus did not die on the cross and resurrect, the salvation message would be false, and we would still be in our sins and doomed.[3]

We can disagree on many things and remain within the parameters of Christian faith if it doesn’t conflict with the core principles. To change this is rebellion and self-interest. Human nature is rebellious and selfish. So much so that we must always be on guard and reflect on our true purpose in whatever we say and do. Dark forces always tamper with our thoughts and moods to lure us into blindness and disillusionment with the gospel.

As I watch the world’s media ramping up tensions and calls for violence, I sense we are very near a critical time in history. Perhaps the potential for bad outcomes in America and the world could have been avoided earlier, but this is no longer true. The forces of destruction are rapidly gaining strength while common sense is declining. Once higher echelons and global monetary interests embrace division and fan the flames of unrest, stopping the downward spiral is nearly impossible — no matter who is standing as president or leader.

Whether it be the failing environment, excess in world population growth, migrations and immigrations due to wars and displacement, and limited resources, we are reaching a point where mass destruction and death are coming. I do not say this to indicate I’m a prophet, but many are starting to believe this, too. As rational thinking seems to unravel and talk of violence increases, it seems unfathomable that this could occur without dark forces manipulating our thoughts and inflaming our passions.

[1] Daniel 7:13–14 — the Son of Man approaches the Ancient of Days and is given dominion and the Kingdom forever

[2] John 10:30–38 — Jesus proclaims, “I and the Father are one.”

[3] 1 Corinthians 15:14–15 — if Christ is not risen from the dead our preaching is in vain.



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share in these times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once might Church of Jesus Christ.