HELL is Real…but God is Fair!

Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!
6 min readJul 26, 2024

One subject that causes much irritation in modern times is the subject of Hell. I have discussed the topic of death and Hades, but these are intermediate states and not the final ordeal. The Bible paints a picture of all people, great and small, coming before the Throne of the Lord to be judged. I have mentioned that judgment starts with the people of God, those saved by Jesus. This happens to avoid the final judgment faced by non-believers. Living believers with the Spirit of God upon death go directly to the presence of God, but the remainder must face God’s judgment. There is no getting around that event. This is seen in Matthew 13:41–43 and highlighted in Revelation 20:11–13. This is not just foretold in the New Testament, but many of the prophets of the Old Testament report on the same ultimate event (Daniel 12: 1–13; Psalms 7: 6–7; Isaiah 24:21–23; Jeremiah 25: 30–31; 1 Samuel 2: 9–10; Isaiah 2:10–11 and many more). The world will face the day of the Lord; this is clear.

But what of the outcome of those that fail the judgment of God? What will be their fate? The thought of a fiery burning place of eternal torture seems unfair to some for a lifetime on the earth of sin, rebellion, and self-interest. It seems imbalanced to punish for eternity for deeds done for perhaps 80 to 100 years in the flesh. This type of reasoning is often used to reject the concept of Hell altogether or a judgment against God as unfair. Even worse, the thought of the many people born on the earth who never hear the gospel message and never could choose or reject Christ. Do they go to Hell? These are hard questions and, on the surface, do not seem reasonable.

We start this discussion with the primary definition and purpose of Hell. The word Hell is derived from the Hebrew term “ge-Hinnom” or Gehenna, which describes a wasteland outside Jerusalem on the south valley known in ancient times as the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom. This information can be accessed on Wikipedia for a general description. Historically, this valley was a garbage dump where city residents tossed trash. Fires were lit and continuous to burn the refuge. The valley was also where apostate Jews would sacrifice infants to gods like Molech. It was a miserable, dismal place. However, the description of Gehenna is stuck in New Testament times as a symbolic description of where the evil dead ultimately enter.

The New Testament describes Gehenna or Hell as a place first reserved for the Devil and his fallen angels (Matthew 25:41). The rebellious bene-Elohim or sons of God are described in Genesis Chapter 6. Hell was not intended for humankind, but the Devil tricked the first humans into sin and became the accuser before God, demanding equal treatment for his fallen ones and the now-fallen humanity. It was part of the Devil’s scheme to destroy God’s creation. This is why God, through Christ, devised a method for humankind to avoid Hell. God never intended for humans to enter Hell (John 3:16).

I believe God is fair and does not desire anyone to be lost. We question why God desired the gospel and salvation to be delivered by preaching. Indeed, there would be more effective ways to reach all of humankind. This is a mystery and not something we have direct insight into, but we know God is fair. This is demonstrated in a conversation with God and the patriarch Abraham in Genesis 18:20–33. We see God and His Angels starting towards the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah, claiming the sins of those cities were great and grievous. He shared with Abraham his intent to see and judge the two towns. This would destroy all that lived in them. Abraham bargained with God down to only ten righteous; would he destroy the cities if only ten righteous were found? The Lord said no, but he would not if only ten were found. The situation in Sodom and Gomorrah had become so dismal that not even ten good people could be found.

When God elects to judge the world, it will be much like Sodom and Gomorrah; sin of all types will spread throughout the globe to such an extent that there will be none that are good remaining. God will protect and remove those who are at the appointed time. Some call this Rapture, but that is a discussion for another time. What about the nature of Hell, and who will enter? I am convinced that Hell is a choice and not an accidental destination. The easiest way to understand Hell is that it is a place…without God. God does, however, allow delusions for those who desire evil and won’t listen to the gospel of truth. This is seen in 2 Thessalonians 2:11–12. He allows such people to convince themselves of whatever lie they desire to believe and seek teachers who say what they want to hear.

One of the most profound theological truths is the stark contrast between light and darkness in God’s presence or absence. The Apostle John beautifully encapsulated this truth, declaring that God is light itself (1 John 1:5). In His presence, darkness is utterly vanquished; everything is laid bare and known. This powerful imagery symbolizes the truth and transparency that exist in God’s presence, a truth that fills us with reverence and awe.

Consider a place where God isn’t wanted, and the many that occupy such a place commit the most unlawful secretive acts of all kinds, imageable and unimaginable. Indeed, such a wasteland would be Hell. Those in Hell would torment each other if not for the torment they each face.

Even New Age mediums and spiritualists who deny Hell see a place for what they call “lower vibration spirits” are separated from enlightened higher frequency spirits. They recognize that some do not want to evolve to higher plains. The difference is that Spiritualists and New Age practitioners believe lower spirits can learn and evolve upward if they choose. The assumption is that a low-energy spirit wants to evolve upwards; indeed, that is an assumption. The belief in countless reincarnations will provide experiences that convince the lower energy spirit to straighten its ways. Or do such reincarnations give more opportunities to do more evil? How would the spirit learn if each reincarnation is a different person with no knowledge from the lessons of the past? Is it not a form of faith that reincarnation works out?

Christianity holds no such assumptions. Those committed to evil do not seek to do otherwise. It becomes their very nature and desire to do evil for their advantage. It’s a tool or means to gain what they otherwise would not possess. Much as the fallen angels lusted after human flesh to possess and control, they did, knowing the consequences, and defiled themselves anyway. They were no longer suitable to dwell in heaven. No place is found for them in the Kingdom of righteousness.

Hell is indeed a choice. God has provided a way out, and I do not believe those without hearing the gospel in this life will fail to gain the information after this life. God will not leave them to chance. Like Abraham, will God do rightly by them…yes! I do not have absolute biblical authority for this position, but I believe this is true. Besides, if God desires living Christians to spread the word, he will not tell them there is a back door. That would be an excuse to avoid persecution trying to preach the gospel. The mystery of this will play out afterward — but God is fair!

Also, the familiar images of Hell have Satan ruling with his demons, torturing the souls of people. This image of a Hell ruled by the Devil. This is a great fallacy and a very deceptive image of Hell. It isn’t a kingdom to rule. Satan, his angels, and the lost are equal in Hell, and all are miserable there. Isaiah 14:12–16 describes the fall of the king of Babylon metaphorically the downfall of Lucifer, the bright morning star. This is now the Devil or Satan. His fall doesn’t end in ruling or glory but in disgrace, while the others in the pit suffer, stare, and ponder. Hell has no ruler; it’s a place of the lost and those who chose to hide from the light of God.

The way to Hell has many different and easy paths, whereas the way to righteousness is straight and narrow. — Matthew 7:13–14.



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share truth in times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once mighty Church of Jesus Christ.