Spiritual Characteristics: The Stranger Within

Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!
4 min readAug 13, 2024

It is beautiful to have the Spirit of God in your life. Pentecostals and Charismatic Denominations enjoy demonstrating the Spirit’s power in signs and wonders. This is good, but signs, miracles, and comfort are not the ultimate purpose of the Spirit in our lives. The Spirit baptizes with fire as well. This fire molds our rebellious characteristics to those God approves. This process burns within to transform us over time to be more like Christ. [1] To understand this process, we must learn our natural characteristics. While we may vary in the degree to which we express these characteristics, if we are honest, we can relate on some level.[2] These include:

· Fornication — to lust and seek sexual relations without trust and commitment (marriage)

· Impurity — bestiality, total disregard for social norms and hygiene, displaying a gross-out behavior towards others and self

· Licentiousness- total unrestrained sexuality and lewd behaviors; many possibilities in this category are being created over time. Most are considered socially immoral and repugnant

· Idolatry — total devotion to objects, persons, rituals, or things over God. A form of servitude and enslavement of the will to someone or something else other than God

· Sorcery — seeking power and knowledge from objects, spirits, enchantments, rituals other than God

· Enmities- intense hostility towards others; considering another or group of people as enemies to be defeated or harmed

· Strife — stirring up discord and conflict, agitation, creating discontent, opposition and anger

· Jealousy — the excessive desire or lusting after what others have, including property, status, good fortune, looks, believing those things should be yours as if entitled

· Anger-strong intense negativity towards others or things leading to outward bursts of rage or seething lingering resentment

· Quarrels- starting arguments, argumentative, stirring up conflict

· Dissensions — creating disagreements that lead to discord and strife

· Factions — creating separations within a group or population to drive groups apart

· Envy — like jealousy, but harboring a deep resentment of someone’s good fortune or achievements

· Drunkenness — drinking to excess as to lose control of self and orderly behavior

· Carousing — being excessively noisy or indulging in drinking or activities that disturb the peace

The list is quite comprehensive, and many of the characteristics listed overlap. We must face that we all have acted in one or more such ways at one time or another. I know I have, sometimes deliberately and other times out of ignorance. These characteristics are what we call being human, apart from severe situations that harm oneself and others. These characteristics are opposed to God’s Spirit and His character. Being born of the Spirit quells such instincts within us — provided the Spirit is in control.

We can resist the Spirit’s influence and retain these negative traits while thinking we are in good shape based on displays of signs and wonders. [3] Matthew 7:21–23 is a “wake-up” for such people, as signs and wonders do not demonstrate our acceptance by Christ. It’s our change in character over time that shows true acceptance.

The characteristics that the Spirit desires to mold into our lives include:[4]

· Love — love for God and humankind

· Joy — internal happiness independent of circumstances

· Peace — towards humanity and society and within our nature

· Patience — with others, even when in disagreement

· Kindness — towards all, never seeking to stir up or irritate

· Generosity- towards those in need and to strangers too

· Faithfulness — being truthful and following through with your words, commitment, and earnestness.

· Gentleness — being calm, supportive of others, desiring the best for others despite one’s desires

· Self-control — never seeking to agitate or cause disruption, always acting orderly

Scripture indicates that those displaying the fruits of the Spirit are outside any law or righteousness and are walking correctly before God. These traits are excellent benchmarks for us to gauge our behaviors and motivations. When we are not feeling, acting, or demonstrating actions consistent with the fruits, we can know we are not following the pathway of the Spirit. When acting according to fleshly impulses, we behave more like the natural human in sin and not the ways of God. This can determine the true motives of fellow Christians and ourselves based on behaviors that conflict with God’s nature.

It isn’t expected that once a person converts to Christianity, their life miraculously gets corrected. This is not the case; it is more like inviting a stranger with different values into your house. The stranger has many different habits and practices that are alien to you. Initially, it starts well, but soon you learn there is a problem. The stranger is gradually taking over your house, subtly. It becomes a battle of wills, and only one will dominate.

The decisive point is: who will rule your house?

This process is like a trial by fire over time. When we sin or go astray, the Spirit warns us as a prick in our hearts that something is wrong. We must conscientiously self-reflect when this occurs to determine what is amiss and seek correction. The beauty of having fellow Christians is that they also correct us when we go astray from the sound teachings of Scripture and the Spirit.

As I’ve stated, this can be a painful experience but an excellent opportunity to grow into Christ-like behavior.

[1] Romans 8:29

[2] Galatians 5:19–21

[3] Matthew 7:21–23

[4] Galatians 5:22–26



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share truth in times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once mighty Church of Jesus Christ.