The Spiritual, Paranormal, and the Supernatural in Christianity, Part II-Demons and Evil Spirits

When the subject of demons comes up, it brings chills and creates fear. In secular and materialist thinking today, such creatures are often dismissed as products of imagination and primitive thought. However, from the Christian perspective, such beings are seen as natural and part of the unseen world surrounding us. In biblical days, evil spirits were believed to cause a wide range of calamities, including illness, mental distress, epilepsy, wars, and conflict. These beliefs shaped human history, and ancient people had little relief from such pestilences until the days of science arose and we discovered medical reasons for disease. Part of Jesus’ ministry and claims of power involved relieving people from the power of evil spirits, including possessions.

Where did the demons go? What are demons to begin with? Some say they are the fallen angels in Hades, as seen in Jude verse 6 and 2 Peter 2: 4. However, Peter describes these angels as chained up and bound in the depths of Hell. They are not freely wandering over the Earth. As I stated before, this could be that their physical forms are bound, but their spirits are still roaming across the world, causing mischief. Another theory is that these evil spirits are the Nephilim described in Genesis 6: 4. This is further validated in the non-canon book of Enoch.

Nephilim were nearly eradicated during the Great Flood, but their spirits continued to haunt humankind. We see no reference in scripture that these watcher-human hybrids were chained in Hades. But does that alone account for the gradually increasing number of evil spirits that arose? It may explain the initial numbers, but more have joined their ranks.

Deuteronomy 32:17 provides some context that demons arose whom the ancestors of Israel did not know or fear. The term demon is not a definition or class of otherworldly being; it’s a term that identifies such beings as evil or unclean by nature. Since the early times, the number of demons has increased. What is generating these evil spirits? We can see some characteristics of demons in those possessed by such spirits.

We see in Mark 5:1–20 a description of a man with a demon. His behavior was erratic and very strong, unable to be restrained, and he stayed among the tombs. Why would a demon-possessed man live among the tombs of the dead? Did the unclean spirit somehow identify with the dead? Is it possible that the evil spirit was once a person who died? Nothing provides scriptural insight into the source of demons or evil spirits. However, the belief in ghosts and evil spirits was genuine in ancient days. I will provide a hypothesis: evil spirits can include the spirits of wicked people but are not exclusively limited to dead people. The Nephilim of Genesis 6 are likely among them as well. The more bestial or unclean a human being acts in this life, the more likely it is that in the intermediate state, they may become a demon after death and enslaved by Satan.

This is a warning to those attempting to contact spirits or seeking spirits for fortune or guidance. They could be listening to demons. Such a fate will not end well for those guided by such beings.

I feel I need to emphasize that point, as many people today seek knowledge on the conditions of their dead loved ones.

They seek out psychics and mediums to gain information and ultimately gain insight into death and the afterlife itself. Quasi-religious groups such as Spiritualists and Spiritisms seek counsel from the dead. Such practices are attractive and provide a door to the unseen world and validate our doubts about death and dying. We want to know they survived and, ultimately, that we will survive death.

I understand this attraction, as I, too, have been attracted to paranormal stories since my youth. Many seek paranormal experiences, and the media provides numerous investigative outlets. One can easily find a paranormal group in most communities if they search on the web. I have attended a few meetings of such groups and know those who do so. It’s compelling and attractive for those experiencing unusual phenomena or close losses due to death. Ultimately, it provides a connection from the mundane to the extraordinary.

Caveat emptor — let the buyer beware! Opening doors to the supernatural may become a trap that can’t be escaped



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share truth in times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once mighty Church of Jesus Christ.