
Will there be people with different colors in Heaven?

I often wonder what people will look like after the resurrection. I suspect we have no color during the intermediate spirit state or we appear as we want to appear. However, will the resurrected body look like the one we had on earth or different 🤔

Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, but on the road to emaus, the disciples didn’t recognize him until the end of the visitation and their eyes opened.

To be honest, I wish everyone would either have different colors or no colors at all. Still, I assume lighter colored people will detest darker ones-even if they have different colors.

Here in the world, people learn to be acutely aware about looks, and most of all, the color of skin. Some can’t get past the superficially of skin to learn the real person inside. Some are so fearful of different skin colors as to be petrified. Some want only those who look like them in the neighborhoods.

We now see a growing sentiment to nationalize people based on commom color and culture. This is disturbing and 😔

For those, Heaven would be Hell if shared with people of other colors and backgrounds.

I truly hope the divisions of this world do not move to Heaven. If all we’re the same, I suppose it would be boring. If all were different, there wouldn’t be comfort in tribalism as everyone would be an “other” and not alike.

It would be challenging, but I also suspect those with segregated mindsets probably won’t be in Heaven…



Bob Russell
“Wake up” The Spirit of God is Calling!

A forever student of Jesus, seeking to understand and share truth in times of spiritual blindness and corruption of the once mighty Church of Jesus Christ.