5 Ways To Sharpen Your Focus and Get What You Really Want

It’s time to cut the crap

Diane Brander
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Do you ever get distracted by meaningless sh*t?

Come on, now. Be honest.

What’s taking up your attention? Is it helping you, or hindering you? Do you really need to scroll Facebook and skip by boring updates from people you don’t even really like or haven’t spoken to in 20 years? Do you need to watch videos of people falling over? As funny as they are, probably not. You could probably delete Tik Tok too. Chances are you’re not buying what the influencers are selling anyway.

So, what can you do to sharpen your focus and build the life you want?

Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash


Sleep enough and sleep well. Sometimes that is easier said than done. Maybe you’ve had a crazy hectic day and have hurtled from waking to bedtime. It’s hard to slow down your brain and relax your body when cortisol is coursing through your veins. Let’s assume this is not an everyday occurrence. If it is, perhaps there are other lifestyle adjustments to be made.



Diane Brander
Wake. Write. Win.

Scottish writer and runner. Curious about ways to boost health and performance through exercise and creativity. On a spiritual quest, whatever that means.