A Choice: Magic or Not?

If there is, will you? What will?

Jui Han
Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readApr 6, 2024


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Questions linger around me

Am I a believer of fate?

Or a lover of faith?

Am I neither?

I ought to be both

Just like how I wanted two things that I could never have at once

Or even not

Two things that men ought to have the most

Many but most stuck in a loop of

love or success?

A Fairy grandmother ntn

down, down, down

Took a wand out

A pumpkin for wealth

or a glass slipper for love

choose any but one

I cannot choose any,

Then a genie went out of a lamp

without the need of touching it

Stretched the ghost like tails to fly

together with everything that men could pry

A fierce look it gave

Many shuda shuda point aye one

A Castle for the highest of power

Be Almighty let the gods hate you.

Or be the one, shuda shuda point aye me

A genie for immortality

Power cannot make you immortal

Immortal is me, it is not you

Immortality is to be chained to life

without the pleasure of death

Aye human, choose.

Aye, I choose you.

Immortality then?

No, I choose you.

Be free.

Thank you for reading. 🌷

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What am I cooking?

A community that wants to preserve humanity.

— Human Diary

