A letter to my ex.

Words that unfortunately I won’t have the courage to say.

Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Jana Shnipelson on Unsplash

I don’t even know where to start, writing about our love, what we were, to this day I find myself asking, without answers to that question. All I can say is that it was something good, that there was love, that there were butterflies in our stomachs, how good it was that we were together. How good it was to have known you from the inside, to have shared life with you, even the way it was, the way it turned out, our way; having known your plans, your goals, your way, your mockery (which took me seriously, but I loved it) Your crooked, fun way of being. And today, I come across our songs, memories, everything that leaves me. People say that life goes on even when you lose love, but where does it go? They say that life goes on, but for who? The truth is that I still love you (I don’t even know if I’ll stop loving you one day) that I still haven’t accepted your departure (to this day I still don’t understand her, how she got there and why) or why we met , and sooner or later we would separate. But maybe our love is just that, you looking at me from afar, and I’m rooting for your happiness, wanting to see you shine, as you deserve, being light because that’s what you are, because that’s what loving is, and seeing the happiness even far from the person. I have so many beautiful things to write about us, thank you for making me feel like the most loved boy in the city, for having changed a sad and bored Sunday at night into a Sunday full of love and happy; Thank you for having marked me with the healing love, the enchanting love that only you have, that leaves me enchanted every moment by your side. And here I end with all our memories, our songs, I still listen to them all with great affection, my happiness for destiny having crossed us, for our timeless love. Forever we are in something, or somewhere in the world.



Wake. Write. Win.

Welcome to my universe of thoughts, where poems and original stories intertwine in a web of creativity and imagination.