About the songs I love…then let go

Mohit Mordani
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2024

There are moments in my life when I’d be out for an evening walk, heading back home from work after a long day when suddenly a song I’ve never heard before starts playing.

Over the last decade of listening to music, I stopped preparing playlists and allow the algorithm play songs that I may never have known or stumbled upon before.


And then, all of a sudden, like a warmth one feels while passing by buses throwing heat during chilly weather, almost serendipitously I’m presented with a song that exactly conveys what I’m thinking about or what the heart is feeling at the moment.

Initially, I would save those songs and wear them out until they lost their magic and I could not remember why I fell back on the song in the first place.

But I have changed that over the last few years.

When a song comes in that makes my heart beat in sync with its beautiful rhythm, and gives me goosebumps on my hands and the back of my neck, which slows down time but gets over too quickly — I let go.

There is a sense of faith that comes along with it, if we are letting go of time, and our life each day then can we let go of the song that gave us a few moments of solace?

I may not remember the song later on but what I felt during that time lingers on within me for a long time.

I won’t lie, there were times when I went on a rampant hunt during the start to find the songs again, but like that one perfect snowflake that falls on the ground and melts into the snow, I could never find them.

I call this “The universal song roulette” — when the time is right and it’s meant for me, I will get a chance to hear back the song, and it does happen.

Even as I write this and I’ve got some music going on in the background, I just rediscovered an old song by Chet Baker, showcasing the vulnerability of Jazz, his instrument, and of the time where he was which no longer exists. If you ask me the name of the song, I’d say — Go Discover :)



Mohit Mordani
Wake. Write. Win.

A marketer by day with a background in tech, and a dreamer by night who tries to bring fictional worlds to life through words