Animals are the true unconditional lovers

Paradox of the real story

Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Picture from pexles

Do humans give unconditional love? I completely oppose that notion. I have read stories and had real experiences where children are propelled to do something, under the disguise of promises and sometimes gifts.

This scenario will relate well with your adolescence to teenage age. Well! It then gets crazier, more risky but more precise.

We grow up to continue still in the same pattern. At a certain age, you either have earned respect or demanded it, the fact is, you made your presence and authority clear because you now want to live by your terms, not on terms of parents, siblings, society or whatever the case may be.

Point is, the love you get in almost all your life experiences with humans will always be attached to something but that’s not the case for dogs or animals.

With parents being attached, ‘success thirsty’ and anxious after waiting for a while in anticipation of your final break out into abundance, anxiety starts to kick in.

In many cases, it firstly brings confusion and in the long run hopelessness and guilt. A lot changes afterwards.

You start to feel detached and unloved. Sometimes it feels like you’re making things up but other times that’s just exactly what it is for real.

All of a sudden, no one understands you and sometimes you don’t understand yourself too.

There’s only one way to solve this problem, DISAPPEAR!!!

Oh, I didn’t mean get lost, I meant “go into the shade” and work more on yourself, put in some more effort.

Take control of your own life and gain respect because a lot would get better if you got better.

My bad! This is not the real story –I only thought to motivate you a bit. You’ll find the real story in my next article.

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Cheers to growth!



Wake. Write. Win.

Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover