Awaken The Giant Within: The Most Impactful Book I’ve Read

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2024


I first read this book around twenty years ago. I was at a particularly low point in my life and needed some kind of way forward.

Awaken The Giant Within gave me exactly what I needed.

This is a personal look at the book. I continue to dip into my dog-eared copy every now and then. I’m not concerned with the various controversies around Robbins over the years, or how much money he makes.

All I know is the book literally changed my life.

Here are the key things it taught me.

1. The Power of Belief

One of the central themes of Awaken The Giant Within is the profound impact our beliefs have on our lives. Robbins talks us through how our deeply held beliefs become our thoughts, emotions and actions.

The principle is clear. The action is obvious.

If we develop and grow positive beliefs and work hard to remove limiting beliefs, we can get the results we want in our lives.

2. Take Massive Action

Famously telling us that we should never leave ‘the scene’ of goal setting without doing something towards that goal, Robbins suggests taking massive, consistent action as the key to achieving our goals.



Wake. Write. Win.

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