Balance Of Power: Important Aspects About it

Sabir Latif
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash


1)Professor Morgan Thao says about ‘balance of power’ that

  • Balance of power means the policy whose target is a special condition of matters and it wants division of power.
  • It is the equal division of power among various states.

2) According to Professor Earnest B. Hoss, balance of power means

  • Balance of power as description
  • As propaganda and ideology
  • As analytical concept
  • As prescription

Definition of Balance of Power:

Professor Shwarzan Berger says that

“The balance of power can be described as an equilibrium or a certain amount of stability in international relations.”

According to Professor Hartmann

“The balance of power may be described as a system in the sense that one power bloc leads to the emergence of other and it ultimately leads to a network of alliances.”

Photo by Christophe Hautier on Unsplash

Balance Of Power: Hypothesis

According to political thinker, Von Dyke, there are following hypothesis in terms of balance of power:

Every state adopts all sources whether peaceful or aggressive, to safeguard its ends, rights and status. These benefits include national sovereignty, freedom, national economy etc.

Various Patterns of Balance of Power:

There are following patterns of balance of power:

1) Simple Balance:

It is the balance of power which happens between 2 states or groups of states. Its examples are India and China, Pakistan and India, Nato, Warsak Pact etc.

2) Multinational Balance:

This balance of power is present among various states, like India, China and Pakistan; Britain, Germany, USSR etc. before World war.

3) Single Superpower as Balancer:

Now, the USA is considered as a superpower, and it decides which state will have how much power. As it not allowing Iran to have atomic program.

Properties of Balance of Power

  1. Balance of power continuously changes.
  2. It is not the gift of Gods but result of human efforts.
  3. In its absence, the world becomes a battlefield.
  4. It is a policy as well as a system.

Methods of Continuing Balance Of Power

  1. Alliances and counter alliances
  2. Compensation
  3. Partition
  4. Armament and disarmament
  5. Intervention and War
  6. Divide and Rule
  7. Bufferstate and Neutralization
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Current Situation of Balance of Power

According to the political thinkers of modern world, the concept of Balance of Power has lost its importance. Its basic reason is the emergence of new powers and aspects after the end of World War 2. These include:

  1. The emergence of nationalism
  2. Industrialism
  3. Spread of democracy
  4. New methods of war
  5. Increasing importance of world opinion
  6. Economic interdependence of nations
  7. End of imperialism
  8. Globalism
  9. The emergence of nuclear and space-age



Sabir Latif
Wake. Write. Win.

I am a creative content writer. I like to write about history, education, technology, climate change and about other things.