Being AVERAGE is okay

From a teenager to another teenager
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2024

Everyone appreciates the winner but what about the person who came in the second place?

Photo by Pixabay, from

Today I was watching a survival show, 2 people in a team for singing competition, the comments were filled with the love for the main vocalist, whereas my eyes ,like always, just struck on the other person, hoping to find a even single compliment for him in the comments, and which I couldn’t.

In every reality show, every dancing contest or any other competition, people always support the “most talented one”, “the most popular one”, “the winner”. But here’s me who always wished for the “other” guy which people couldn’t notice to win. Maybe because I could always resonate with them and understand their feelings better.

In every story I’ve ever read or seen, I always liked the second lead character opposed to the main lead depicted as “Mr. perfect”, “Mr favorite”, “Mr handsome” , who always took the spotlight and I was always jealous of them.

Seeing every winner, I always thought to myself:

Are “they” born talented?

Why are only “they” called “the achievers”?

Am I the one who isn’t trying my best or am I just not capable enough unlike “them”?

I saw a video the other day that we can’t be good at everything and we need not to be, as a sports person may not be good at writing just as a painter may not be good in studies, but all these people still are proficient at that “one” thing .

But what about me then, I never stood up as “talented “ in any particular field. I may be “good” at many things but never “the best” in anything. So, that’s just leave me as an “average “ person according to society.

Initially before writing, I wrote the title: “Is being average okay?”,

But as I started writing my thoughts down, I realized ,

Being average doesn’t mean you’re a loser.

and then that question mark just disappeared and the title became a declarative sentence.

For all the people who feel that they are average:

You may have have never won the first place, but that doesn’t mean you came at last, and that’s the proof that you’re still in the race and you can still win.

Being average is underrated, what’s so wrong in it when I can still be happy, I can still eat, I can still dance, I can still listen to my fav music, when I can still enjoy my life.



From a teenager to another teenager
Wake. Write. Win.

A 19 year old teenager. If you are also confused and struck like me too, do read my posts. Will be happy to have discussions about it.