Catch the Frequency to Attract the Life of Your Dreams

The speed at which we recognize our frequency determines the speed of our evolution.

Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readJun 4, 2024


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Every being whether living or non living, animals, birds, insects born on this planet vibrates at a certain frequency, but only a few of them can identify it.

This lack of recognition particularly in human beings traps them in repetitive behavioral patterns, due to which they replay the same old songs of cribbing and crying throughout their lives. They don’t know how to tune into the right frequency, where they can experience happiness, fulfillment, and abundance that life can offer.

Our life is like a radio where there are available all kinds of songs happy, sad, mixed, dancing, humorous, and so on. It’s natural human tendency to seek for happiness, fulfilment and pleasure but we don’t want to leave sadness, blames, complains that have become our pattern by default and automatically got set on our life radio. Two different genres cannot be played on the same radio station or frequency. We need to leave one in order to tune into the other but we struggle to do that because our thoughts, beliefs, and actions are not aligned with what we want in life.

Photo by Alexandr Sadkov on Unsplash

Just as in radio we select the channel that match our moods to lift our spirits, tuning into the right frequency in life requires awareness and effort.

Those familiar with radios understand that to hear our favorite stations, we must dial into the correct frequency. If we want to hear upbeat music but remain tuned to a sad station, blaming the radio is useless. The same principle applies to our lives. We yearn for happiness but resist making the necessary efforts, blaming fate instead. Even with a radio, finding the right frequency requires some effort in form of turning the dial.

Our lives follow a similar pattern; much of our time is spent struggling to recognise that right frequency to attract our dream life. Once we find it, our preferred songs play effortlessly.

So, how do we tune into the right frequency?

The answer lies in controlling our thoughts and emotions, which are often scattered and moving rapidly in different directions. Achieving this might take time, but by being mindful of the thoughts we feed our minds and consistently maintaining a positive internal state, regardless of external circumstances, we can eventually tap into our desired life.

Just like an archer who practices consistently to catch the right trick to hit the target accurately or a batsman who practice diligently to get the bat movement right where he can hit those fours and sixes on the cricket field one must observe their dominant frequency that is moving away from their desired life. Those who are successful and have achieved celebrity status in life recognized their initial frequency and took immediate action to adjust it. This shift allowed them to attract name, fame, money, and respect across the world.

Recognizing and tuning into the right frequency is the key to breaking free from old patterns and creating a life of joy and abundance. When we achieve this, the rewards are profound: a life filled with the songs of happiness, fulfillment, and abundance, effortlessly keep playing in perfect harmony.



Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.