Choosing Happiness: Nurturing A Positive Mindset

Justine Jacob
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024


"One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

I saw a rainbow in the sky after the thunderstorm and rain. Likewise, there will be sunshine and happiness in your life after a period of confusion and trouble.

You cannot control the storm of your life but you can wait patiently for the rain to come followed by the rainbow of happiness.

They say in rare cases double rainbows can be seen in the sky. If you are lucky enough you will get a bonus of a mighty blessing from heaven. Let there be joy in your life. But some pray to avoid a thunderstorm in their life. They forget the fact that nature is under the control of the Almighty.

A thunderstorm is like the pain of childbirth. When the child is born every pain is forgotten by the mother. But sometimes the thunderstorm can come during the harvest season i.e.: a time crucial for the family.

How to cope with this terrible loss?

Let us look at it objectively. The majority of things are not under our control. The very next moment your wife or husband can die in an accident. Take another case when your father is diagnosed with cancer and has only six more months to live.

What we should do as responsible adults?

We should be ready to face any challenges at any moment of our lives. Our life is a long journey through the sunshine, jungles, rocky ground, green meadows etc. I would suggest parents take their children every other month to hospitals with terminally ill patients.

Let it sink into the young minds the reality of sickness and death that is inevitable in life. What matters is our attitude to the problems we face. We need not be worried too much about the outcome. After all, in the past millions of people faced similar problems like us and came out of it successfully.



Justine Jacob
Wake. Write. Win.

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.