Conglomerate called life

Michele Luckenbaugh
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2023

We are the total of all our life experiences…

the good and the bad.

The good ones bring a smile to our faces

and joy to our hearts…

like a brilliant sunset on an autumn evening,

like the sweet smell of peonies on a June morning,

like a really strong hug from our grandchildren,

like hearing the words…”I love you”

They are antidotes to the craziness of the world we live in.

The bad ones bring tears to our eyes

and an ache in our hearts…

like the death of a loved one

like losing a best friend

like being told you have cancer

like being told your child has an incurable disease

etc., etc,

The fact is, no one can escape bad or unfortunate events happening in one’s life.

Our first response might be to say “Why me” but in reality, why not me?

We might also ask why the Lord allows this to happen to us.

The truth is we, as humans, do not know the workings of the Lord,

the purpose He has for us enduring

and working through life’s hardships.

Sometimes there are lessons to be learned

and we come out the other side stronger and wiser,

sometimes we will never know why life works out the way it does,

at least while we walk on this earth.

Our Lord does, indeed, love us

and He does what He does out of that love,

and to Him, we must place our trust in.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial,

for when he has stood the test he will receive

the crown of life,

which God has promised

to those who love him.”

James 1:12

Thanks for visiting! May blessings surround you!



Michele Luckenbaugh
Wake. Write. Win.

Patient Advocate, healthcare activist, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of life. I believe in the power of hope, it can move mountains. Love the art of writing.