Questions for you!

Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Dear readers,
Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and philosophical exploration.

Tell me your story.
Tell me, what excites you? Are you happy with yourself?
If not, then why?

If yes, then what about? What makes you different to everyone else? Don’t tell me secrets about what’s behind your red doors. Tell me something interesting. Tell me everything and more.

Tell me the questions that slumber in your head. Do you have an inner monologue? I don’t, do you? If yes, then what do you say? Inside there?

Tell me why everyone draws a star that doesn’t even look like a star. What do you think NASA sees when they look down at us? Do they see the blue ocean or our blue sky? I tried asking, but they never replied.

Tell me, what does your name mean? What does it mean to be you?
What would you call yourself if you could change your name now, and what would it mean? Would it change you? Why? Why not?

Tell me your interpretation of ‘The Lion King’. What did it mean? Do you believe Scar was right to kill his brother? What’s your belief in the butterfly effect?

