Everything will fall into its rightful place

We’re naturally drawn to what captivates us — like bees to nectar, like ships to a lighthouse.

Avo G
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readApr 12, 2024


How we never really consider ourselves as having specific hobbies but naturally lean towards doing certain things — that was me with writing.

At some point of my “growing up” phase, I found myself to develop a thing with writing, photography, and videography. But I thought these creativity things were too “artistic” for me — someone whose favourite subject in high school was mathematics.

The fear of judgment

Growing up in a society that drew a line between the “science students” and the “art students”, I was infused with the idea that being good with numbers means you’re smart, while putting words on paper makes you a melancholy nerd. (Yes, you guessed it. I come from an Asian household.)

I am good at both. Not the best, just do pretty well (Nope, I’m not flexing). But when it came to my writing side, I tended to keep it under wraps. I didn’t want to be labelled as “cringey”, “overly emotional”, or — you can say — a melancholy nerd.

Being told “it isn’t going to work”

I never saw myself working as a creative because “it isn’t going to work”. They always tell us the creativity field won’t give us the bread.

But maybe it will work?

Giving it a shot

I picked Journalism in college to give it a shot. The decision was made after deliberation but took adrenaline to execute.

I was terrified. In my head, I envisioned myself unemployed 3 years later as a social science graduate and having to go back to my parents.

I will come to regret this, don’t I?

With worry lingering for weeks, I eventually succumbed to the allure of the “safe” route, switching to Software Engineering because “any job within an IT company offers lucrative pay”.

Yeah, this should be it.

A nagging feeling that something isn’t quite aligned

It wasn’t until my second year of studies that I realised the IT field wasn’t for me. Programming apps and developing system software lacked the imaginative spark I craved.

The logic was engaging, but I felt like a fish swimming in a fishbowl — merely absorbing what I was taught and lacking the will to wander beyond existing concepts.

So I thought screw it — it was also when I realised I need a dose of passion to drive myself forward.

I graduated, entered a digital media company, and started working as a content creator. This is what I’m now — a copywriter and a social media video producer.

Hold on, isn’t that the creativity thing I first stumbled upon during my high school years?

Everything falls into its rightful place

We often wonder if things would be different had we been brave enough to make the move.

But there is no point in dwelling on decisions that could have been made, because we’re here now.

In retrospect, I’ve come to realise everything falls into its rightful place, eventually.

During my college years, I had been writing and creating content on social media whenever the vibe hit I lean towards them. It was out of interest, which would later shape my portfolio for when I decided to switch fields.

We’re naturally drawn to what captivates us — like bees to nectar, like ships to a lighthouse.

If you’re grappling with uncertainty about the path you’re on, remember that time has a way of revealing the truth. Allow things to unfold naturally and trust in the process.

If you enjoy my work, feel free to follow me for more.



Avo G
Wake. Write. Win.

has a thing with navigating through the whatevers as a 20s. Also loves coffee.