Find your path!

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2023
Lisa Fotios: Pexels

I graduated college in 2018 and played off 1 year doing nothing of course enjoying that feeling of “there is still time”.

Exactly one year and two months after college, I finally decided to do something with my life as it was now dawning on me to get busy.

I resolved to do business because I’ve always loved making money even as a student while in college, so the idea of pursuing my master’s degree was secondary in my plans besides, I wasn’t that much of a reader all through school.

I did my small research and decided to start a business that was in high demand but with limited or unprofessional supply and that was where I focused my energy.

I made my target market and had my on-demand customers which took a while to build. But just when I started to get really comfortable with my business, covid came and swept me off my feet.

I lost my customers and my business within months because everyone now worked remotely. It became quite tough to make ends meet but I kept pushing through till I had barely anything left, by now my business had folded up and cash wasn’t coming in from anywhere.

Rather than focus on the way out of my predicament, I went deep into sobering every day and counting my losses. While everyone else was fixing themselves up with remote paying jobs, I kept asking the most ridiculous questions the majority of us ask ourselves; why now? why me?

I had a whole year doing nothing and covid did not come, why now? After a few months, about 3 months to be precise I decided to sort for other options. At that time, everyone wanted to own a small farm or a mini vegetable garden somewhere around their vicinity, I saw that as an opportunity and started to write business plans for people.

I was even willing to agree to any negotiable amount just to keep the jobs coming, I did that for a while and people soon discovered that what they were paying for could be done by themselves in less than a week of dedication, so business plan jobs stopped coming in except for the few who just couldn’t do it themselves.

It was a real-time struggle and in between, I found someone I really liked. Love came at the wrong time I’d say. She was more comfortable than I was, she was good at her profession (Attorney) and she also loved to write.

She had to travel for her master’s and was going to be away for a while, she got admitted in no time, picked up a new job alongside schooling, and was doing well for herself. The dynamics changed, and inferiority complex came in, we had lots of misinterpretation, and we argued unnecessarily.

I became so needy; I mean what else would you expect from a jobless man? we finally had to stop talking somewhere along the line. Covid took my business and now I was losing someone I thought I had found forever with!

Feeling frustrated and confused about life and everything I was experiencing, I became withdrawn from everyone, I got so cold and was always in my space.

By now I barely had friends, I was always paranoid and easily irritated, and only a few people could understand or tell my exact whereabouts. I started to do things I didn’t know I would love to do

I took up reading just to keep me busy, I made taking notes of almost everything happening around me compulsory and the more I did all these things, the more I got hooked to doing them.

I added working out to my routine as introduced by a friend and then a few things started to change about me. When I started writing, I wrote to clear off what I had in my head but now, it has become a hobby.

I went through all those experiences but could only boast of the little cash I made from them, I failed at many things for reasons I can’t even understand. I just wanted to survive but now happiness became so far, I lost everyone and everything.

Writing alongside working out became therapeutic for me and from struggling to come up with content, I went to having series of content ideas. The problem later became what not to write rather than the usual What do I write and even before I finish with a topic sometimes, I must have had about two or more other topics pinned to my table.

When you are struggling with life’s decisions or you suddenly find yourself in a fix where it seems difficult or impossible to make progress, rather than resulting to crucify yourself for failing or for mistakes made as the case may be, please have a sit down and think deeply.

Pain is good for adjustments but getting used to having a failed life should never be an option. Invest in your moment of weakness, rather than cry all through please look for solutions, use the internet, there are lots of answers there. We now live in a more simplified world, look for what works for you and fix yourself.

Pick yourself up today and go find your path If everything in this article speaks to you because only then will you be truly happy!

Cheers to growth 🥂



Wake. Write. Win.

Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover