Self-realization from self-thought

Finding Happiness in Your Boredom

Reconnecting with your hobbies and passion

Wake. Write. Win.


Picture from Pexels

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When I made up my mind to improve myself, it was because I finally concluded that it was the only way out for me. I had finally hit rock bottom and needed an escape; an escape from a life I wasn’t proud of because my life at that time was full of several unpalatable circumstances ranging from overthinking, addictions to bad habits, decision paralysis, bad communication (still working on that), unforgiveness, people pleasing, procrastination etc.

I needed answers desperately. Do other people feel the way I do? Am I different? Has my behaviour chased people away from me? Am I bored and lonely? I soon answered all these questions with a big YES. I realized that until I came to that point where I only do the truth and nothing more with myself, nothing changes.

Isolating the problem was not as difficult as finding a solution or answers for me, so I started by trying to know myself all over. I needed to reconcile myself with my environment and the people around me but more importantly, I needed to find my passion. So, I picked up reading to fix my attitude and mindset, but my reading wasn’t consistent at some point because I just accumulating knowledge.

I wanted to fix my timing and my finances and also get busy with more proliferating things, but I didn’t want to dabble into the ocean of 9 to 5 just to keep myself busy because it has never really been my thing (reading didn’t stop anyway).

But since I desperately needed to get busy, I had to go deep into self-thoughts. I did the question-and-answer things to myself every other day with just one intention (discover my passion)

What do I like to do? I always asked. How would I rather want to be busy? What would give me the feeling of comfort and fulfilment? I needed to feel like a young boy of 10 again and only my hobbies and passion would make that happen, so it was time to find my passion and interests all over.

At first, it was difficult to remember a lot about my childhood fantasies and hobbies because by now I had evolved severally into other things. With my curious mind in the early morning of one faithful day, I took a walk around 1 am.

I had a pen and a notepad with me for taking notes, I walked for about 1 hour and by the time I was back home, I had written lots of questions that helped me reconnect my mind and gave a hint on how to start my self-research.

I asked myself some really honest questions on that night, shortly you will be answering those questions too. These are questions that connect your childhood memories with your earnest heart desires. These questions will open your eyes to see what you most distinctively want out of life.

If a choice has been made in your mind already, a choice to reconnect with your hobbies and childhood passion, you should take this self-research, self-thought questions seriously as this is just the first step on the ladder.

Take your time to reflect well on these questions before answering them. Make sure you write down your answers in a jotter where you can easily visit to have a look over them again as reflecting on these questions and the answers you provide will help you focus and fix your mind on what is real for you!


1. What activities make me feel the most alive when I’m on my own?

2. What do I like to do?

3. How would I rather want to be busy?

4. When last did I lose track of time because I was so absorbed in doing something I love even when no one was around?

5. What would give me the feeling of comfort and fulfilment?

6. Did I discover a new passion during my period of loneliness?

7. If I had unlimited time to myself, what passion would I pursue?

If you will correctly answer these questions and be honest with yourself, you are most likely to discover your buried passion.

Life is fun when you live every day doing what you love to do not live to do what others want you to do.

Find your passion today!

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This story is participating in the writing contest “Write For A Better World” by Wake. Write. Win.



Wake. Write. Win.

Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover