Finding “Meraki”

Jaswanthi Mamidisetty
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024

Day-5 of #WriteForWellnessChallenge

Image by Kei from Pixabay

I’ve been staring at this blank screen for over an hour now.

It’s not that I’ve run out of topics — I have a whole list of ideas to explore. But today, I just can’t seem to put a single thought down.

My mind feels cluttered, and I’m struggling to organize my thoughts properly. I’m not sure why, but it’s too frustrating.

It’s like there’s a fog clouding my thinking, making it hard to focus.

I could write something just to keep up with my #WriteForWellnessChallenge streak, but posting random thoughts wouldn’t really serve the purpose of this challenge for me.

So, I’ve decided to take some time to gather my thoughts and come back tomorrow with a fresh perspective and a new blog.

In the meantime, take a look at this poster from the MHA on how to stay calm in difficult situations using basic mindfulness techniques.

Share your thoughts on the blog and also share your go-to technique for calming down in any situation.

Make sure to follow the #WriteForWellnessChallenge tag, to read more related blogs



Jaswanthi Mamidisetty
Wake. Write. Win.

A place where you will find blogs on data analysis , book summaries and unfiltered thoughts .