Get More Creative than 93.73% of people

Raise your Creativity Beast!

Tony Yasu
Wake. Write. Win.
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


Get the Creativity Beast roaring! | By Tim Mossholder

If you need ChatGPT to generate basic ideas, you have a serious problem…

Creativity impotence.

You see, the creative process is an undemanding and pretty enjoyable act, squeezing the best out of the creator’s personality, experience and worldview.

Developed creativity assists you throughout your entire life.

Besides, creative people are fun to be around, as you have no idea what next madness will come out of their restless minds.

Are you struggling to come up with original ideas, but you dream of getting ahead of 93.73% of people on Earth?

Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how to raise your lazy, uninspired infant into a big and terrible Creativity Beast!

What is bad for creativity?

The most harmful thing damaging our collective creativity in the modern world is the modern world itself.

  1. Overreliance on technologies:

Prompting AI to give you a set of ideas saves your time and energy, but how are you supposed to boost your creativity without even engaging it?

The Internet leaves us no necessity to think and figure things out by ourselves.

Human critical thinking means one should have the ability to be critical and to think, a skill fewer and fewer people possess.

2. Overstimulation of the mind:

What should I add?

Just turn your phone on, open some social media app, and then try to turn the damn thing off. (Good luck)

3. Disconnection from the real world:

We’re in an age where the average human mind spends more time in the virtual world than in the real one.

If you’ve been following many creative industries such as music, cinema, and writing, you should have probably noticed a slow but steady degradation of art.

Compare today’s art to the works created decades ago.

What do you think, makes the difference?

To truly become a Creativity Beast, you must connect with yourself and defeat the greatest enemy of modern homo sapiens.

Enter a flow state

To reach the full limits of creative potential, one must focus on connecting to the inner self.

Sounds gorgeous, doesn’t it?

Artists describe it as a flow state.

The creator disconnects from the outside world, focusing inwardly and drowning himself in an ocean of creativity.

By focusing inwardly, rather than outwardly, you pay the closest attention to what your inner genius has to say.

And you wouldn’t even guess how genius your genius is.

It never shuts up, and we’d learn so much from it if we weren’t always so preoccupied with all the nonsense surrounding us.

Being in a flow state is tricky to describe verbally, but you’ll be able to hear your inner dialogue clearly.

Express your feelings

Creativity is an expression of the human soul.

The best ideas come out of intense emotions, feelings, and experiences when people aren’t able to hide them inside anymore.

Create! | By Dragos Gontariu

Check out the backstory of your favorite songs.

Artists don’t just wake up with the greatest pieces of art.

Something triggers them and when the stream of feeling becomes so wild, they have no other option but to channel it into creating masterpieces.

They live life. And life hurts.

My favorite song is Layla by Eric Clapton. Exceptional one. And to write such eternal words and melodies, he had gone right through the hell.

Feed your Beast with a quality inspiration

Exposing yourself to the works of a wide variety of people in your field of interest is game-changing.

Unfortunately, we have only one life to live and no direct access to the knowledge and experiences of others…

But we can achieve it by studying their works.

Borrowing from a single artist it’s plagiarism, borrowing from a dozen — inspiration.

For example, to write this article the way you read it now, I took inspiration (not stolen) from the best and worst writers on the platform, analyzing what’s worked and attracted the audience and what’s failed.

I’m not a fan of the popular here one-line style of writing, but as I noticed, it produces the most profitable and easy-to-read type of articles.

If you’re reading this line, it means I’ve succeeded in attracting your attention using the best writing practices out there.

Stay at least 30 seconds. Don’t kill writers read ratio…

Opps… Not this one…

Train your Creativity Beast like a dog

The one thing that will make an obedient dog out of your naughty creativity — consistency. (Like in any part of life)

Rain, wind, snow, atomic war. No excuses for your puppy.

Practice your creativity everywhere you go, on everything you touch, and on everyone you know. (so they’d speak to you afterward, obviously)

Use your creative nature instead of outsourcing everything to the ChatGPT.

A few more years of this shit and we’d really be replaced by robots…

Stay consistent and in no time, your Creativity Beast will generate the greatest ideas human beings have ever seen after hearing your speechless order: “Create!”.

Thank you for your priceless time and attention! I appreciate that.

Follow my Medium Account (To get more exciting stories)

Have a nice day :)



Tony Yasu
Wake. Write. Win.

Verbal volunteer. I share my hard-earned knowledge about how to stay sane and productive in this crazy modern world | Life's not worth living without a smile.