Glowing in the Darkness

Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2024

It’s dark in the room, the electricity is gone just now, and my mind and heart shine brightly like a full moon. The day had been chaotic, filled with ups and downs, and I had contemplated going to sleep.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and in that instant, my mind and heart felt happy and content.

Why was I seeking darkness?

Or am I coming to appreciate the significance of light amid darkness?

I believe the second option justifies it better. It reminds me of a concept I came across in the book “Art of Thinking Clearly” — the value of absence.

It’s often we don’t realize that sometimes missing something is just perfect.

We often fail to realize that the absence of something can be perfectly fitting. It could be any aspect of our lives — for instance, during times of pain, we may miss out on happy moments. However, if we shift our perspective, we can see that pain often fuels our creativity. Take me as an example for today — I am eager to write and complete this article, even though it was not originally planned, it just happened with my low phase of today.

When we consider the bigger picture, we find that absence holds a deeper significance than the mere presence of something. Let me provide an example: when you are healthy, it means the absence of illness. When you have a job, it means the absence of unemployment. And having a loving family highlights the absence of loneliness. Reflecting on this, it strikes me that we should find happiness in the absence of certain things. It is a powerful realization that has just come to mind.

At this moment, I am on cloud nine, completely free from any distractions or thoughts. It’s just me, alone with self-being. The absence of light for those 15 minutes allowed me to enter a meditative state as I am writing, fully immersed in the process. I want this state to persist, but as a normal human being, I understand that it is not possible to maintain indefinitely.

However, I eagerly await another power outage 😊 , another moment of darkness, as it may bring forth new thoughts and experiences that I can share shortly.

Happy Reading, Enjoy your darkness !!



Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.

I am Akanksha Gupta. By Profession I am Software Engineer with 6 years of experience in IT Industry. Writing and Sharing is my hobby. Living my life fully :)