Poem: Grandpa

Parich Pattayakorn
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2024

He tortured and shamed my grandmother he knew so well,

Whose kindness he exploited and thrown away,

His selfishness suffocated those around him and yet we let him stay,

Until illness removed him from our home and a hospital, he is forced to dwell,

In spite of that, he made demands,

That us with a measly wage could not accommodate,

He had squandered their money and their chances,

And yet money, he asked for more with fiery glances.

My grandmother’s legs are unfit for use,

And whose fault is it if not for his misuse,

He has caused nothing but troubles,

And even now, within a hospital far away, he has not ceased his ramble.

So why is it that I feel guilty, gazing at what he has become,

Vigorless and weak,

The hospital life has made him so,

And on his birthday, I wish to wish him one,

Upon another where to me, he dies so young.

