Heal Your Inner World to Hale the World Outside

Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2024

If every individual on this planet would take charge of their own emotions and heal themselves, the world would automatically become a better place.

Image Source: Binge Creator by AI

How can we truly make our world a better place?

It’s a question that invites us to ponder the essence of existence itself.

Making the world a better place is a noble pursuit, but what exactly is this “world” we’re talking about?

It’s not just the physical planet we inhabit; it’s the collective energy of every being whether living or non-living, from humans to animals to plants or even inanimate objects, the energy is flowing through everything.

This energy, neither created nor destroyed, but ever-transforming, holds the key to shaping our reality and is the lifeblood of our existence.

While all living beings possess this energy, humans hold a significant share of power due to their cognitive abilities.

With our unique ability to think, reason and make choices we wield immense power over the direction of our collective existence.

This grants us the ability to shape our surroundings and influence the course of events.

Since the moment we enter this world, society starts shaping our perceptions. From childhood, we’re conditioned to look for the things we don’t have and see the grass as greener on the other side. Our parents, teachers, and peers unknowingly contribute to this cycle by constantly comparing us to others, urging us to strive for excellence and success. As a result, we lose touch with our innate innocence and playfulness, replaced instead by a constant need to measure up to societal standards.

In this race for success, we often find ourselves trapped in a cycle of judgment and blame, projecting our inner turmoil onto the people, situations, climate, health, government, finances, relationships and what not.

All the time we are either having the past regrets and future fears, missing the beauty of the present moment.

Moreover, our education system is majorly focused on academic achievements to gain fame and money but hardly emphasises on maintaining relations to foster peace.

Favouritism and biased attitude by the teachers breeds the feelings of inadequacy among the students who are average or below, perpetuating a cycle of inequality and dissatisfaction in them.

Society is failed to recognise that each individual on this planet has his unique journey just like a bird who has its own course and direction to fly in the sky.

Those who really want to fly take charge and clear their path rather than being a victim and submitting to external factors for their miseries.

One cannot change the world out there but he definitely have the power to change the world inside which is made up of his beliefs thoughts and opinions and once he change his inner world his outer world automatically transforms.

Just like in Bhagwad Gita, when Arjuna was in a dilemma to fight the war against his own loved ones and wanted to quit the war, Krishna reminded him that he is not fighting the war against them but his inner demons of fear, guilt, empathy that are holding him back.

Being a true warrior he can’t quit the war in between as he is fighting against the evil and if he do so his conscious will prick him to be a coward staking lives of innocent people for his selfish motive.

In the same way our life is a battlefield where each one is in a war against his own emotions and feelings and to live a fulfilled life one has to win over his world within.

When we point fingers outward, we inadvertently indict ourselves, as we are all interconnected with the divine energy of our universal father.

So, to make the world a better place, we must first heal ourselves. The people and situations we encounter are merely reflections of our inner state of mind.

Just as we clean our face if we see a spot on it in the mirror, not the mirror, similarly addressing our inner turmoils can bring clarity to our external environment and a miraculous transformation in the world outside.

But how to do that?

Gratitude and Forgiveness is the key.

True forgiveness is when you can say ‘Thank you for that experience’.– Oprah Winfrey.

Accept and acknowledge all your emotions, the joyous highs and the challenging lows with the same tenderness and care you would offer to your children because they are your own and you have created them. Each emotion, whether pleasant or painful, is like a cherished child you have nurtured and brought into being. It’s your responsibility to accept them, recognizing that they hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

When your emotions weigh heavily upon you, act like an understanding parent who forgives his child no matter how much troublesome he is. Forgive yourself and your inner critic with gratitude for the lessons learned through every emotional experience. By embracing and accepting every facet of your being, you cultivate inner strength and resilience, empowering yourself to confront life’s twists and turns with grace and wisdom.

Photo by Simon HUMLER on Unsplash

Gratitude, for the blessings we often overlook, elevates our vibration and opens doors to abundance. Forgiveness, for ourselves and others, cleanses our energy and paves the way for healing.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

If each person takes responsibility for their own inner landscape, the world outside will inevitably reflect this inner harmony.

By clearing the inner energy of any negativity we exhale the positivity that not only nourishes our inner ‘nature’ but outer nature as well in which plants and trees flourishes giving us the pure grains, fruits and vegetables that energise our mind, body and soul.

The recent global pandemic, COVID19 served as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting our inner well being. We were confined within the four walls of our homes realising the importance of hygiene not just physically but at the mental level.

Unable to tolerate the dangerous game of life and death people turned to spirituality to seek mental peace and solace.

It was a powerful lesson from the divine and nature, prompting deep introspection and self reflection.

But why wait for such catastrophic events to awaken our consciousness?

By proactively tending to our inner energy and fostering positivity, we can create a ripple effect of healing and transformation in the world around us.

It’s a collective journey toward a brighter future, where every individual’s contribution, no matter how small brings a shift.

Imagine a world where every being radiates positivity and compassion, where love and support abound, and competition gives way to collaboration. It is within our grasp to make this vision a reality, to transform the world into a sanctuary of peace and harmony. And in doing so, we invite even the divine to walk among us, reveling in the beauty of a world made whole.

So let us ride on this journey together, harnessing the power within to craft a brighter tomorrow for generations to come and make the world a better place.

This story is participating in the Write for a Better World contest by Wake. Write. Win.



Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.