Painting by Anna Sophia

It’s A Body Language

Tony Pretlow
Wake. Write. Win.


I sleep to the left of you each and every night.

I settle in with you and everything seems right.

It’s a body language. There’s no need for words.

I do it in a stealthy way, so you’re not disturbed.

I tease you about being frigid and withdrawn into yourself.

I can’t imagine growing old with anybody else.

I joke about your feet being cold and you turn the other way.

You feign being put off. There’s nothing you can say.

I whisper it’d be different, if somebody cared.

You turn up your nose at me. You issue me a stare.

I inch closer. You let out a sigh.

I love being next to you and stroking your left thigh.



Tony Pretlow
Wake. Write. Win.

Passionate. Dedicated reader and commenter. Occasional writer. I enjoy writing poetry and prose. Father of five. Happily married/retired. Northwestern U. Alumus