Hope is a good thing!

Mohit Mordani
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2024

It’s nighttime outside as I sit at my desk with piano music playing in the background. I can hear the faint barking of the street dogs.

Life is happening around me — on the streets, in the buildings, and in the skies.

Today’s write-up is a touchstone of hope for the moments when the bleakness of life seems to be a bit more spicier than usual.

For the future me who may come back to read this and anyone else who stumbles upon this piece, I just want to remind one thing.


The line — “Hope is a good thing” from Shawshank Redemption is something that always comes into my mind and I have that conversation with myself reminding myself that everything can be taken away but not hope.


It’s a driving force as well as a curse.

I fervently hold onto hope even if the chances are little to none. But I feel it’s still better than wallowing in hopelessness.

Movies have been my major saving grace, more than conversations with family and friends, a walk in the park, or anything else.

This is one of the key scenes that I keep on coming back to at times, serving as a reminder of all the times that I was lost and all those times I found my way back.

In those moments when the pressure within seems to be packed so tightly within, hearing Robin Williams repeatedly saying out the one line “It’s not your fault Will”, always tends to do a number to just blow the lid off and it’s an emotional avalanche.

But what is Hope?

According to Google — It is an optimistic state of mind that is based on the expectation of positive outcomes in one’s life or the world.

As a verb, it means to expect with confidence or to cherish a desire with anticipation.

What’s the point of it?

This scene from “We Bought a Zoo” encapsulates it the best.

Our lives are finite, the future is unpredictable, and life is only going to get more competitive, and with the influx of AI even more mechanical

While trudging through it all, keep your head high everything is going to happen, the chances of glory and growth, those chance encounters with friends you’ve lost touch with, meeting surprising new people who’d change the direction of life.

New destinations, new food, and new thoughts :)

Hope On!!



Mohit Mordani
Wake. Write. Win.

A marketer by day with a background in tech, and a dreamer by night who tries to bring fictional worlds to life through words